Friday, September 27, 2013

Racist Black Prof Makes Big Bucks for Fraudulent “Report” on Achievement Gap for Connecticut School Board

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Marlon James is a racist fraud. His "conclusions" were nothing but the assumptions he started out with. All these guys always say the same thing: Institutional racism is keeping black and Hispanic kids down, because racist white teachers don't believe they can learn. You have to racially purge all of the qualified, competent white teachers, and replace them with incompetent, racist blacks and Hispanics, and rig the tests, so the colored children's scores shoot up.

There. I could have saved you $110,000. Then again, the Board was just paying James whitemail, to begin with. The members probably knew what James' report's "conclusions" would be, before they even cut the check for him.

Paul Panos, on the other hand, is a hero. I wish I had some neighbors like him, so we could support each other at school meetings in NYC!

Windsor School Board Questions Equity Report Author

Members of the Windsor Board of Education Thursday asked follow up questions of Loyola University Chicago assistant professor Marlon James, via Skype. (Steven Goode / September 27, 2013)
The Hartford Courant
September 27, 2013, 6:32 A.M. EDT

WINDSOR — After a year of disagreements over the Equity and Excellence Review at Windsor High School, the school board had an opportunity Thursday to ask followup [sic] questions about the study's findings.

Speaking with the study's author, Marlon James, via Skype, school board members sought answers to questions raised following its release in August.

The study conducted by James, an assistant professor at Loyola University Chicago, sought to find underlying causes of the achievement gap between white and minority students at the high school.

[You mean, like minority students’ lower IQs and weaker work ethic?]

The study concluded that educational expectations and opportunities were more plentiful for white students than their African American and Hispanic counterparts and that "institutional racism" is part of the problem.

[Liar! If “racism” is part of the problem, it’s anti-white racism. Otherwise, they never would have hired James for his phony “study.”]

The study was supposed to take place over three years at a cost of about $330,000. But it was called off after the first year after the university determined that constant battles among board members and the politicization of the study was causing harm to the community.

[“The politicization of the study”? It was a political power play, before James was even hired.]

In a mostly civil discussion, James repeated the basis for much of his findings, citing interviews with students and teachers, the disparity between whites and minorities in the most challenging courses and a tracking system that keeps minorities in lower-level courses.

[The “tracking system” doesn’t keep black and Hispanic kids down, their low IQs, anti-intellectualism, and laziness do.]

Board member Paul Panos vehemently disagreed with James' conclusions, prompting the most contentious exchanges of the night, including one in which James asked if Panos was calling the children who were quoted in the study "liars" and Panos responded "No, I'm saying you're lying."

The exchange prompted one parent in the audience to say "close the achievement gap, that's what we want."

[No, you don’t. You want everything rigged.]

James said the school system will never be able to close the gap until it increases the number of minority teachers and rids itself of the notion that some kids can't learn.

[Surprise, surprise: the ubiquitous demand to shovel millions of dollars into the pockets of other incompetent, racist black and Hispanic “educators.” Who could’ve seen that coming?]

"If the idea continues that black children can't learn, that Latino children can't learn, that poor white kids can't learn, nothing changes," he said. [Straw man alert: No one says “(group of your choice) kids can’t learn.”]

James said that he would have begun to address that issue in year two by "bringing teachers up to speed in cutlural [sic] responsiveness."

[‘If you’d have given me another $110,000, I would have ruined your competent white teachers with more abusive diversity training.]

"The key to that is personal transformation, dealing with our beliefs, assumptions and world views," he said. "That takes time, at least two years."

[Translation: At least $220,000 more, whitey, plus yearly diversity training return visits at $50,000 a pop!’]

James also said that the notion that teacher comments were withheld from the final report because they would have refuted the study's conclusions was "a myth."

[Then prove it, by releasing them, you liar!]

"They were more critical than the students," James said, adding that teachers at the high school were suffering from "occupational depression."

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