Friday, September 27, 2013

Now, That’s an Honor Killing! Turkish Woman Shoots Her Rapist Dead, Beheads Him, and Carries His Head to the Village Square; “Here is the Head of the Man Who Played with My Honor!” (Revised)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
When first I heard of Moslem “honor killings,” as an American I thought to myself, “Oh, someone must have killed a man who had raped his sister or daughter.”

When I learned that the real meaning of “honor killings” was that, if a man rapes your sister, salvaging your family honor means having to murder your own sister, the victim, I was outraged, and have never lost my sense of outrage at this evil ideology and system of practices. Indeed, I believe that the most economical way to introduce an “infidel” to the evil of Islam, is to explain to him this practice, and its rationalization.

Well, assuming she is telling the truth about the man she dispatched, one Turkish woman had a very unislamic, but eminently sensible and moral response to the soiling of her honor.



1 comment:

  1. If a white American woman did this they would call her racist. Because it's a non American they think it's wonderful.
