Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Chris Lane: It wasn't "Boredom," and It wasn't "Random": It was a War Crime, and He was Murdered for Breathing While White

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Slain Australian player mourned on 2 continents
August 20, 2:27 P.M. (ET)
By Kristi Eaton
AP/My Way News

(AP) In this undated photo provided by the Essendon Baseball Club, player Chris Lane wears his baseball...
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DUNCAN, Okla. (AP) - It is a chillingly simple motive: Police say three bored teens killed an Australian collegiate baseball player attending school in the U.S. for "the fun of it."

As authorities prepared to charge the teens Tuesday with first-degree murder, family and friends on two continents mourned 22-year-old Christopher Lane, who was being remembered as a wonderful young man whose life ended too soon. His girlfriend tearfully laid a cross at a streetside memorial in Oklahoma, while half a world away, his team in Australia placed flowers at home plate.

Lane, who was visiting the town of Duncan, where his girlfriend and her family live, had passed a home where the boys were staying and that apparently led to him being gunned down at random, Police Chief Danny Ford said Monday. A 17-year-old in the group has given a detailed confession to police, and charges were expected Tuesday afternoon.

"They saw Christopher go by, and one of them said: 'There's our target,'" Ford said. "The boy who has talked to us said, 'We were bored and didn't have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.'"

(AP) In this undated photo provided by the Essendon Baseball Club, player Chris Lane wears his baseball...
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He said they followed Lane, a student from Melbourne attending college on a baseball scholarship, in a car and shot him in the back before driving off.

Ford told the television station KOCO in Oklahoma City that one of the teens said they shot Lane for "the fun of it."

On Tuesday, Lane's girlfriend, Sarah Harper, laid a wooden cross at a memorial that formed along the road where Duncan was killed.

"We just thought we'd leave it," Harper said. "This is his final spot." Harper said she doesn't know who started the memorial, but it means a lot.

Australia's Herald Sun newspaper said Lane's former team, Essendon Baseball Club, would turn its Sunday game against the University of Melbourne into a tribute to Lane to raise money for the family. Roses and a baseball were placed on the home plate on Monday with the message, "A wonderful young man taken too soon. Why?"

(AP) A memorial to Christopher Lane is shown Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2013, along the road where he was shot...
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Police said witnesses rushed to help Lane after hearing a shot Friday and seeing him stagger and collapse on a road in Duncan, a south-central Oklahoma town of about 24,000 residents.

"He was face down on the ground and he was shot in the back with a .22 revolver," builder Richard Rhodes told Australian broadcasters. "I had another lady stop and we tried CPR on him. And he passed away right here."

Harper said she and Lane had only returned to the United States from Australia last week.

Lane attended East Central University in Ada, about 85 miles west of Duncan. He started 14 games at catcher last year and was entering his senior year.

"He was an absolute joy to coach," baseball coach Dino Rosato said in a statement issued by the school. "Chris was an extremely well-respected teammate. ... He set a great example for all of his teammates, but more importantly for the younger players. He was a mature student-athlete who his teammates could look to for advice and support."

(AP) Sarah Harper,Christopher Lane's girlfriend, stands beside a memorial along the road where police...
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Peter Lane told Australian media there was no explanation for his son's death.

"It is heartless and to try to understand it is a short way to insanity," he said.

"You just have to gather together as a family and hold on," he told Sky News TV. "And that's what we're trying to do at the moment - hold on."


  1. There's that word "Random" again from a police official after this type of murder.

    David In TN

  2. "Peter Lane told Australian media there was no explanation for his son's death.

    "It is heartless and to try to understand it is a short way to insanity," he said."

    There is a very clear explanation for it. It is a sign sheer despicable evil in the left that Mr. Lane has to be in fear to even mention it even after the death of his son.

  3. Blacks are the demon race.
    If three Whites had murdered a black man because they were bored, bored would have been the last description used in the killing, if then.
    It would have been three racist Whites maliciously, with premeditation, slaughter an innocent unarmed black. The Reverends Al Sharpton, and Jessa Jackson along with the President known as Barack Obama would have all issued appropriate states as to the racist Whites in this country ad nauseum.

  4. When blacks kill Whites it's always a random crime, or like this one, they were bored. Also the "crazy" blacks have this "voice" in their heads that is very specific telling them to kill Whites or they have this machine in their bodies telling them to kill Whites, this machine is specific also it doesn't say kill but says kill Whites.
    The craven police are complicit in these racist crimes, you'll never hear them call a black racist like Sharpton or Jackson a racist nor will you hear the police call a crime racist unless the term is being used against a White.

  5. It's like when Blacks attack Asian school children and are NEVER accused of being "RACIST" in their attacks by other Blacks. It's so they can show their DOMINANCE on the streets and thus, ALWAYS vote for the GUN CONTROL DEMOCRAT to enforce their street power.

    ALL states need to establish a TRUE Right to Keep and Bear Arms where you can place a .38 in your pocket and LEGALLY walked the streets without fear of POLICE HARASSMENT.

  6. Ada, Oklahoma is east of Duncan.

  7. Some in Australia are calling to boycott America. They're half right, what they should boycott is black America. And all of it, until bullshit like this stops. No more black music, no more black food, no more black movies (not many people besides other blacks seeing those anyway), no more patronizing facilities that are black managed or black owned, no more giving to black charities, no more supporting diversity, etc.

  8. "Despite the fact that the number of white people killed by black people in America annually exceeds the United Nations' official threshold to be classified as a WAR, our nation does not report it so that people will know about it and stand ready to defend themselves. Our media, if it reports the attacks and murders at all, does so using euphemisms and code words that obscure the nature of the attack and the race of the perpetrators and victims."

    Western Voices World News.

  9. I guess it won't be long before his assailants claim that he was trying to sell them crack when it happened, since this seems to be the strategy that the defendants in the Delbert Belton case are taking. We should be thanking all of these sons of Obama for making the streets safer from the criminal tyranny of 88yr old white WWII vets and Australian baseball players.

    I bet if the racist po po had bothered to do a proper investigation they would have found that even that 13 month old white toddler who was shot in the face probably was slangin 'caine to the fine upstanding African American honor students in his neighborhood before a couple of heroic young black men came up to ask his mother to kindly spare her purse and iphone. And don't get me started on that 99 yr old heroin kingpin Fannnie Gumbinger in her wheelchair dealing in her own home.

  10. Meanwhile some 400,000 indigenous Australians have been killed during the US mining of West Papua and neither the media or US public seems to mind that.

    For 51 years repression, torture, and some 400,000 deaths has been inflicted on West New Guinea (West Papua). American voters do not know, but thousands of very powerful Americans know where their money is coming from.

    Its a scheme designed by bonesman Robert Abercrombie Lovett who with members of the Rockefeller clan was a director of the Freeport mining company.

    Lovett and the Rockefellers wanted the world's biggest gold mine, a sacred mountain homeland of the Amungme people in Dutch administrated West New Guinea. Neither the Dutch nor the locals would ever grant the Rockefellers a mining license so the 1936 geology & survey reports were illegally hidden from the Dutch who had granted NNGPM the exploration license.

    But in March 1959 the New York Times reported the Dutch were sending teams to identify which mountain was the source of alluvial gold found along the southern coast of West New Guinea. So by August 1959 Forbes Wilson was flying to claim the magical mountains for Freeport and its directors as a "possible copper reserve" but no mention that it was the source of the gold or that the oil-men had hidden the geology & survey reports since 1936.

    But how to get rid of the Dutch? And how to prevent the locals having control of their lands? And how to trick the Kennedy brothers into it?

    Lovett told President-elect Kennedy to appoint McGeorge Bundy as the US National Security Adviser, who had the NSC begin a campaign asking Kennedy to approve a scheme for Indonesia to colonize West New Guinea (West Papua) - see Dept. of State summary

    The problem with the NSC plan to blackmail the Dutch into selling West Papuan people to Indonesia had a problem; it was no longer legal to buy & sell people or nations. The SOLUTION was United Nations Trusteeship. So long as the UN did not attempt to perform its legal duties under articles 76, 85, 87, and 88 of the UN Charter any UN trust territory can be mined and its population exterminated by whichever UN member is appointed as the new administrator.

    The NSC told the Kennedy brothers that it was to save the world from communism. And it got UN approval because Moscow like the US businessmen wanted to buy business relations with Indonesia...

    But behind the smoke & mirrors it was always about the gold & avarice. This genocide has made some Americans richer than God, and it will continue so long as the UN keeps its back turned to its colony...

    How is the UN being blinded? Simple trick, the US got the Netherlands to sign a contract purposing the UN should become responsible for the colony; the UN Secretary General added that proposal to the agenda of the UN General Assembly which used article 85 of the UN Charter to approve the plan and make West Papua a UN trust territory. BUT the the UN Secretary Generals have NEVER told the UN Trusteeship Council about the approval General Assembly resolution 1752 (XVII).

    So long as Ban Ki-moon also with-holds notice of General Assembly resolution 1752 (XVII) from the agenda of the Trusteeship Council, the gold mining and repression can continue unabated

    Under the plan as the Kennedy brothers wrote it, the colonization was to end by 1969 but Robert Kennedy was dead by then and President Nixon conducted a tour of S-E-Asia that helped keep the news media away from West Papua as the Indonesia military conducted a hoax "act of free choice" – raise your hands up when we tell you or we will kill the rest of your families and burn your towns to the ground. A dirty secret every US President since Nixon has kept from the American public.

  11. A trial in this murder was supposed to begin this month (August), but has been postponed to April.

    David In TN

  12. A few days ago, Chancey Luna was sentenced to "life without parole." Almost no U.S. coverage, a fair amount form Australia and the UK.

    Googe "Chris Lane, News" and you can find an Australian Yahoo video report with two Aussie females, love those accents.
