Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Note to My Readers

A Note to My Readers
By Nicholas Stix

We've been in Trinidad since August 14. Evey trip here mans roughing it, but this time has been a bit rougher than usual.

Finding functioning computers and Internet connections has been more difficult even than previously. On top of that, the sister-in-law who devotedly collects the rent money form our tenants upstairs "forgot" to pay the electric bill since April 9, and so yesterday the technician came by and shut off the juice. That's why I am presently using the pc of yet another sister-in-law.

The delinquent sister-in-law couldn't keep her lies straight, an among otjher things told me over a third sister-in-law's borrowed cellphone that it was our fault we didn't tell her the power was going to be shut off. At that point, I was able to keep my insults and threats straight, but I don't know how much she heard, since the next thing I knew, the line had gone dead.

I'll report again, when I find a better pc and connection.


  1. Mr. Stix, sorry to hear about your problems.You might want to consider an agency to handle your rental property. I own no property myself, but from what I've heard from people who do it is well worth it even if it's only one rental. There's a fee of course, but they know how to deal with problem tenants (can even screen them for you) so you might want to look into it.

  2. How do the Indians get along with the blacks in Trinidad?

  3. Not quite murder due to boredom, but came very close. The white cop minimizing it in the remarks is typical.


    Stan D Mute
