Friday, March 01, 2013

Time to Register Books and Put Reasonable Restrictions on the First Amendment

By David M. Huntwork
February 28, 2013

[I just discovered this writer at a wonderful site for which I’ve written for several years, Western Front America. I don’t know if David Huntwork is a flash in the pan or a keeper, but this column is certainly promising.]

President Obama and his progressive allies have recently told us that even the most draconian of gun laws must be passed because “If we save even one life from gun violence, it’s worth it.” While that’s an amazingly ignorant, infantile, and even downright silly statement, it does neatly sum up a nanny-state philosophy that is fueling a nationwide assault on the second “shall not be infringed” amendment as well as law-abiding gun owners across the nation….

[Read the rest here.]

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