Friday, March 01, 2013

“Going Down with Crime”: DC Police Get Caught Burying 170 Sexual Assaults


Posted by Nicholas Stix

The Philly PD pioneered the method of “reducing” crime by sweeping sexual assaults (predominantly attempted and completed rapes and sodomies) under the rug, but if there is one field in which urban police departments have shown themselves gifted students, it is in fraudulently “reducing crime” through fake reports and statistical legerdemain.

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Report claims over 100 sexual assault cases mishandled in D.C.

By Jennifer Donelan

January 24, 2013



A new report makes a startling claim about the Metropolitan Police Department. According to the report from New York-based Human Rights Watch, more than 100 reported sexual assaults in D.C. weren't properly investigated.

Eleanor was 23-years-old when she says a man put a knife to her neck, stole her purse, stabbed her and tried to rape her in an alley as she walked home from U Street in May 2011.

She said D.C. police ultimately counted her case as a robbery and made no mention of the attempted rape. "They sort of changed it, changed it just enough that it wouldn't even remotely be considered a sexual assault. It just seemed like some girl wouldn't give her purse,...she got stabbed and that's too bad for her," Eleanor continued.

In their report, Human Rights Watch says between 2008 and 2011, there were 170 cases in which sexual assault victims arrived at Washington Hospital, underwent forensic sex exams and reported the crime to police. But the organization says those cases weren't investigated by police.

"For those people to not have their cases taken seriously is really upsetting," said Human Rights Watch Senior Counsel Sarah Darehshori.

D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier declined an on-camera interview. But in a statement, she said comparing Washington Hospital Center visits to the number of police reports is a "flawed methodology...not backed by facts."

"The police are required to document every case in order to start an investigation, but they have no record of these cases that we could find in the databases or the records," Darehshori explained.

Lanier pointed to numbers she said tell her police are doing something right. Because more victims are reporting sexual abuse, she said between 2010 and 2011, the case load increased by 23 percent. It increased another 51 percent in 2012.

Lanier said she fears the Human Rights Watch report "will ultimately have a chilling effect on victims of sexual abuse and will discourage them from reporting crimes." But Eleanor said the chief is missing the point.

"There is a fundamental flaw in the way they are treating these victims when they come in," Eleanor said.


  1. Off topic but of some importance: You have three videos that are launching automatically. One is the thug/Maserati clip; I didn't identify the other two.


  2. I sent a link to this incident after it happened, it appears the perps have been sentenced. Browning was white and Dozierwalker was black.
    If you look at the sketch of the suspects in the first link they both appear to be white guys. WTF? Dozierwalker is clearly black (albeit light skinned) yet the illustrator sketched two clearly white guys. Is this more PC wishful thinking? Dozierwalker also admits that he was "responsible" for the rape. Browning has maintained his innocence yet he has been sentenced to an even longer term. I'm curious if Browning has been sacrificed in the name of racial public image. They couldn't sentence the black guy and not a white guy, it might seem racist.
    Can't help but notice that all these incidents of US military personell and rape involve exclusively black men or black men with whites involved. I'm pretty sure the military is aware of this and the disinformation branch would like to keep it quiet. One way to do is is underplay black perp involvement and make sure some whites take the fall also. No, I don't know exactly what happened in this incident but understanding the PC mentality that suffuses our society on all levels I can't help but be suspicious.
