Monday, July 16, 2012

Indian Media Revising H1-B Killer Pawan Kumar’s Murder of Danielle Mehlman Out of Existence: She Now Has No Name, They Have Moved Murder from Delaware

to Michigan, and Made Parents’ Demands Innocuous, in Order to Save Face for Them

Murder victim Danielle Mehlman


A store surveillance picture of murderer-suicide Pawan Kumar, from June 16 or 17, 2012

The killer's family

By Nicholas Stix

"This is injustice. We had delayed signing the papers to bring the body seeking copies of the Delaware police report and suicide note. We thought we will at least get a copy of the suicide note," A Gunasheela, Pawan's elder sister, told TOI.”

The sister is lying, and the Times of India is covering for her. The family had demanded not the police report, but a statement by American authorities “clearing” Kumar of his crimes. They had also demanded a copy of the suicide letter, a heap of extortion money, and a job for the killer’s sister.

I deemed the murderer’s family’s demand that the authorities commit obstruction of justice and fraud on their behalf, not to mention their many other demands, a third-world superiority complex. The killer’s family’s demand for a copy of the suicide letter was their only reasonable demand. Then again, the letter should have been made public.

Times of India item below also deliberately fails to mention the murderer’s family’s other crazy demands, including its extortionary demands of Kumar’s employer, the sweatshop Cognizant, in order to make them look less foolish and arrrogant.

* * *

Pawan's body brought without suicide note
TNN July 12, 2012
Times of India

BANGALORE: Twenty two days after he allegedly committed suicide in the US, Cognizant staffer Pawan Kumar, A 26, was cremated here on Wednesday forenoon.

The last rites were performed by Pawan's father, P Anjaiah, at the Hebbal crematorium.

Pawan's body arrived in an Air India flight at BIA in the wee hours of Wednesday. The body had arrived in New Delhi on Tuesday evening en route to Bangalore.

Pawan's family, relatives and a handful of friends attended the funeral. The body was taken from the airport to Pawan's residence in HMT Colony, RT Nagar. Anjaiah and his wife Gangaratnamma broke down on seeing their only son's body.

The body was kept outside the residence for friends and relatives to pay their last respects.

Anjaiah said the family was keen on a second post-mortem to ascertain the cause of his death. [The cause of death was already ascertained, and they and the Times of India.] "But a senior police officer told us that court permission was mandatory for a second autopsy. The body is not in a condition to be placed again in the freezer," he said.

The family was, however, upset that the body arrived without the Delaware police report and suicide note, allegedly written by Pawan. [“Allegedly”?]

"This is injustice. We had delayed signing the papers to bring the body seeking copies of the Delaware police report and suicide note. We thought we will at least get a copy of the suicide note," A Gunasheela, Pawan's elder sister, told TOI.

"On Tuesday evening, Cognizant informed us that the body had arrived in Delhi and was being brought to Bangalore. Later in the night, they confirmed that the body will be arriving around 1am," Gunasheela said.

The family reached the airport in a car sent by Cognizant. "We will be grateful to Cognizant if it helps us get Pawan's belongings, including documents and money," Gunasheela added.

Twenty-six-year-old Pawan Kumar was found dead inside a New Jersey hotel on June 19. Police were looking for him in connection with the murder of a 26-year-old woman in a beachside hotel in neighbouring Michigan [sic] state.

[Previously, on this case, at WEJB/NSU:

“Yet Another Collision of a Suicidally ‘Liberated,’ White Female with the Third World? H1-B Visa Holder Pawan Kumar Murders School Teacher/Stripper Danielle Mehlman at Delaware Beach Resort Town, Then Commits Suicide”;

“Family of Murder Victim Danielle Mehlman: She Met Her Killer, Pawan Kumar, Through an Online Dating Service”;

“Indian H-1B Killer of Danielle Mehlman, Pawan Kumar Anjaiah, was an Indentured Servant for Cognizant; Killer’s Family is in Denial, Claims Firm Has Sought to Hide Its Connection to Killer”;

“Danielle Mehlman’s H-1B Killer, Indian Pawan Kumar Anjaiah, Left Suicide Note; Times of India ‘Disappears’ Victim”;

“Family of Indian H1-B Killer-Suicide Pawan Kumar, Who Murdered Danielle Mehlman: ‘He wuz Framed!’”;

“Is Sweatshop Cognizant Getting a Dose of Poetic Justice? Family of Indian H-1B Murderer-Suicide, Pawan Kumar, Who Killed American Danielle Mehlman, is Driving Company Crazy with Demands”;

“Third World Superiority Complex: Family of H-1B Murderer-Suicide Pawan Kumar, Who Killed American Danielle Mehlman, Refuses to Accept His Body, Unless He is Officially Cleared of His Crime, and They are Paid with Money and a Job!”; and

“Family of Indian H-1B Murderer-Suicide Pawan Kumar Still Defiant; Agrees to Accept Body of Danielle Mehlman’s Killer, but Still Demands He be Cleared of His Crimes, and Threatens Sweatshop Cognizant.”]


  1. Why r u so against H1Bs (immigrants)..The top doctors are Indians, top engineers are Indians, I see so many Indian scientists at NIH..Look at the spelling bee these days, it is swept by Indian Americans (top 6 in 10 are Indians)..We need such talent here..Education and Culture can get you only so far, to get to high levels of IQ. Average Indian with a Masters degree has an IQ of 110+..If you leave all these people in India and since India has enough money power now, they will outgrow us in no time..I would say get an IQ test and give Green Cards..This country these days is only for smart people, sorry! Actually, I would say ANY Country!!

    P.S: H1B labor is not need to pay market rate

    Extract from the same site mentioned above "The prevailing wage rate is defined as the average wage paid to similarly employed workers in a specific occupation in the area of intended employment. Effective January 4, 2010, employers can obtain this wage rate by submitting a request to the National Prevailing Wage and Center (NPWC), or by accessing other legitimate sources of information such as the Online Wage Library, available for use in some programs."

  2. Perhaps, it may not be polite to use the term 'immigrant', especially by an American! Is it not a landmass colonized and settled by Europeans? Or, is there anyone in US who is not an 'immigrant'?

    Both U.S and India were British colonies. The only difference is that U.S got liberated in 1776; whereas India is a very young nation that became independent only in 1947 (just 65 years back). So, I'm not sure if you have any right to make fun of India and Indians!

    India is in a state of infancy and we have a long way to go for sure. We have already made tremendous progress for example in Space Reasearch within a short span of time. (

    So, please don't use the term 'Third World'.

    If you still have doubts about the competency of Indians, please look at the following facts.

    1. World's richest people: (Two Indians are in the list of world's 10 richest people)

    2. Founder of SUN systems : Vinod Khosla is from India.

    3. Hotmail : It was founded by an Indian (Sabeer Bhatia)

    4. Nobel Prize: 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics was won by an Indian; C. V. Raman (

    1913 Nobel Prize in Literature was won by Tagore

    There are many more examples to prove that India is not a so called Third world.

    See, we are trying to recover from the wreckage created by the 'Great British Empire'. So, give us some more time!

    BTW I am not defending the killing of an American Woman by an Indian in US. But it should just be seen as a one off incident; but again that should not have been happened. But it may not be fair to use this incident to portray whole India and Indians as stupid!

  3. A more balanced article from an Indian publication:

  4. So Mr.Nicholas Stix, What do you have to say about people like James Holmes. What Immigration stress, Sweatshop or Third World Country's culture caused him to behave like this ? Should we all stop applying common sense and say things about americans the way you are framing immigrants, specifically Indians.

    Can you stop all this racial tone to your news articles on this Pawan Kumar case and just report news as news ?

  5. Now another shooting at an Indian temple in Wisconsin.

    As much as we can think with the capacity our third world brains, We still are not going to be foolish enough to say anything ill about americans as a whole.

    1. Indians do talk bad about Americans as a whole...who are you trying to kid...

  6. THE AGE, Melbourne Australia.
    October 6, 2012

    11 Indians in murder-suicides in Melbourne in 2012

    Four out of five (80%) of murder-suicides in Melbourne this year have involved Indians.
    So Folks,

    what's going on with Indians and murder suicides in Western nations?

    Are we exporting our male chauvinist habits around the globe?

    The "sari-caught-fire-in-the-kitchen" dowri murders were bad enough, now I have to put up with even more taunting about Indian male instability.

    Next we'll be competing with the Pakkis in which country can claim the most "honour killings".

    I guess we're still the top on the most caste killings on the planet.

    A Disgruntled Indian

  7. My 1 cent donated for your excellent work
