Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Feds Declare War on Gibson Guitars, Declare Company in Violation of Indian Law!

Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz.

By Nicholas Stix

This is yet another variation on what Sam Francis called "anarcho-tyranny." The same federal leviathan which refuses to carry out U.S. federal law, with regards to immigration, or U.S. election law, with regards to racist blacks, is now carrying out foreign laws, in order to destroy an American company. Note that the company in question denies that it is breaking any nation’s laws. But it wouldn’t matter if it were breaking India’s laws, because… (drum roll, please) we’re not India! India’s laws have no force in America.

Thus, the real meaning of “Obama’s” jobs policy is more jobs for foreign workers.

Gibson: Feds Want Guitar Woodwork Done by Foreign Labor
By Judson Berger
Published September 02, 2011

Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz discusses the federal raid on his company's facilities Aug. 25, 2011 in Nashville, Tenn.

Gibson Guitar Corp. is claiming the Obama administration wants more of its woodwork done overseas, as a bizarre battle heats up between the government and one of the country's most renowned guitar makers.

The dispute started in 2009, when federal agents raided the company over suspect wood shipments from Madagascar. Gibson took that case to court but has denounced the administration with a vengeance after agents returned late last month to raid several Gibson factories -- this time out of concern that Indian export laws had been violated.

Though some reports on the dispute have cited environmental concerns, court documents suggest the latest battle boils down to a simple, non-environmental question -- which country is working on the wood?

Gibson's CEO has said repeatedly that the only reason his company is in trouble is because U.S. workers are completing work on guitar fingerboards in the United States. In an interview earlier this week, CEO Henry Juszkiewicz claimed that the U.S. government even suggested Gibson's troubles would disappear if the company used foreign labor.

The Justice Department is hamstrung from talking about the case because it's an ongoing investigation. Justice spokesman Wyn Hornbuckle told FoxNews.com only that agents were looking for evidence of "possible violations" of a law governing imports of plants and wildlife.

Hornbuckle also confirmed that no charges have yet been filed in either of the two cases.

Court documents help explain the root of the tree dispute. According to search warrants associated with the latest raid, federal agents in June intercepted a shipment of Indian ebony apparently bound for Gibson in Tennessee. The documents noted that Indian law "prohibits the export of sawn wood," which can be used for fingerboards -- but does not prohibit the export of "veneers," which are sheets of woods that have already been worked on.

The search warrants alleged that the intercepted shipment was "falsely declared" as veneer, something that would have been legal. However, the documents said the ebony was in fact unfinished "sawn wood," supposedly illegal.

This led to the raid on Gibson facilities late last month. [N.S.: No, it didn’t, because this isn’t India. It was “Obama’s” desire to destroy businesses that are not politically linked to him, or somehow paying kickbacks to him, e.g., through campaign donations or “donations” to the “Obamas’” pet causes, such as Madame Michelle’s anti-childhood obesity slush fund. Note how the Administration in 2009 shut down car dealerships whose owners had failed to make campaign contributions to “Obama.”]

Juszkiewicz said in a statement that the U.S. government has effectively suggested "that the use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal, not because of U.S. law, but because it is the Justice Department's interpretation of a law in India."

A representative at the Indian Embassy in Washington could not be reached for comment.

But Juszkiewicz has since claimed that his company's wood exports do in fact comply with Indian law, even if American workers are doing some of the work.

In an interview on the company website, Juszkiewicz said Gibson "for decades" has purchased fingerboard wood that is two-thirds finished.

"The fact that American workers are completing the work in the United States makes it illegal," he said, citing the government's position.

Juszkiewicz maintains Gibson is still complying with the law.

1 comment:

  1. Strange story. I wonder who the company antagonized to have the feds come down on them.
    If the Indian companies shipping the wood are violating Indian law shouldn't that be an internal matter for their own authorities to look into?
    How much tax money have they squandered with this? Is this part of the jobs creation effort (jobs for lawyers, that is)?
