Tuesday, September 06, 2011

California Dems Steal $1 Billion from White and Asian Citizen Tax Base, Illegally Give $40 Million to Predominantly Hispanic Illegal Alien “Students”

By Nicholas Stix


Note that the Democratic legislators who voted to do this, and socialist Gov. Jerry Brown, who signed off on it, are all guilty of the federal felony of harboring, and aiding and abetting an illegal alien.

Now explain to me why white Americans, who are being deliberately targeted for dispossession, disenfranchisement, and physical destruction by criminal politicians such the aforementioned, and others nationwide, should obey the laws of his land, when millions of criminals may flaunt them.

[A tip ‘o the pitchfork to Brenda Walker.]

1 comment:

  1. It's all a transfer of money from those who pay the bulk of the taxes to give to those the involved politicians really care about. Of all the people that could be helped they choose to help those who aren't even supposed to be here. We'll just end up with less and less people supporting more and more of the non-paying types, like an upside down pyramid.
