Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Winnie the Poo

By R.C.
tuesday, december 31, 2024 at 10:40:59 p.m. est

Winnie the Poo

You had better get used to the "browning" of America.

And I don't mean skin tone.

Say, is that J.D. Vance's oldest son?

And that's why they call it "Smelly new delhi."

This is Ajay Mishra taking a poop in an airport. Someone who posted the pic, claimed it was taken in new york; others claim it was taken in singapore in 2023.


  1. That's how indians hatch their best ideas.
    The older ones can't squat that low,however.


  2. ewwwwwww.......

    Just checked - as of this moment 2:56PM Central Time Jan 2 2025:

    USD $85 converts to 7,294.07 INR, Indian Rupee.

    Or maybe that should be Indian Rupoop.
