Sunday, December 15, 2024

"boston children's hospital: deliberate mutilation practiced"

By "W"
to: Nicholas Stix <>
sent: sunday, december 15, 2024 at 01:17:43 p.m. est

"boston children's hospital: deliberate mutilation practiced"

and check out their "expert" promoter of mutilation:


  1. Freud asked,"What do women long for? I haven't been able to ascertain that in my life."

    Mr.Freud,they want,in no particular order,sex,romance(love) and a house to come home to--not necessarily all of it from one man--though some women do.


  2. These people are savages and in a civilized society they would loose their medical licenses and go to prison.

  3. jerry pdx
    David Robinson, ex NBA player, gets in on the "I'm a perpetual victim of White racism" game:

    His evidence for being a victim of racism? A woman (he doesn't say her race but the suggestion is that she was White), bumps into him, or he bumps into her, and she tells him she thought he was going to rob her. Yup, that's it. He makes vague references about experiencing a relentless barrage of racism (as they all do) and then gives us a story that is so innocuous and meaningless you wonder how he even remembers it happened. No context either, even if it did happen maybe it was a bad attempt at humor, who knows but it's just an anecdotal story that means nothing in the larger framework of supposed societal racism.

    How do we argue against the power of their "anecdotal stories" anyways?! They're always ready to deploy them as if they are evidence of some deep vast structural racist conspiracy designed to keep the black man down. Most of the time I have no doubt it's either fabricated or a distortion/exaggeration of something that actually did happen. Oftentimes, it's something another black said or did, or maybe a Mex, but they pretend it was a White. Even if some random White person did say something that was actually racist or use the n word, it's not evidence of "structural racism", it's just an individual saying something.

    I've got plenty of anecdotal stories about racist blacks, except my stories usually involve actual racist behavior, along with violence. Acts we see blacks doing regularly on the streets, mass transit, on the job or in our schools but things we rarely see Whites doing.

    But White people aren't allowed to use their anecdotal experiences as evidence the way blacks are. If Whites tell about a black racist incident, White liberals and racist blacks tell us they are random incidents, not a cultural or societal problem in the black community. The suggestion is that it's so much worse for them, we have no right to complain. That's a load of BS.

    You know, I always had this vague idea that "the admiral" was one of those rare blacks that was kind of a stand up guy. Somebody that might have unashamedly voted for Trump, rejected the idea of eternal black victimhood and wouldn't make up phony racism stories. Guess I was wrong.

  4. jerry pdx
    I found a more glammed up photo of this Dr. Boskey sans glasses and with normal color hair:

    She really doesn't look too bad when she's not trying to look like an angry militant lezbo, but does bear more than a passing resemblance to the late great Marty Feldman, something that could have caused considerable adolescent angst.

    Author of the article requested nobody make any disparaging comments toward her looks but I couldn't resist. Besides, any person who advocates for children cutting off their breasts and genitalia doesn't deserve any mercy.

  5. She looks like she's capable of shooting up a school,Jerry.

