Monday, September 09, 2024

Ya gotta weaponize those children! (Graphic)

Re-posted by N.S.


  1. jerry pdx
    Watchdog in England has discovered that police are so paranoid (or pc/woke) that they are recorded trivial incidents as racist hate crimes:

    Anybody surprised at this? Of course not. Hate crimes are not increasing (except maybe anti White ones) only a broadening range of definitions of 'hate crimes' is turning everything into a hate crime. Or police are, as the article suggests, paranoid about not correctly identifying hate crimes and being accused of being racist themselves. No, not everything. I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that police are a lot less likely to define anti White incidents as hate crimes.

    Note the MSN article ironically has a sidebar video about how hate crimes are "on the rise in New York". Is that really true or are NY/American police infected with the same kind of woke/pc mindset that defines everything as a hate crime?

  2. ALL murders are hate crimes. Some other felonies,like arson,rape,robbery CAN be hate crimes.--rape is probably a hate crime too. Jaywalking is not a hate crime 90% of the time.


  3. My immigrant wife sent me out to buy an American flag right after the diaperheads destroyed the World Trade Center. She vowed to fly the flag until Osama Bin Laden was dead. But we are sill flying it. No one has asked us to take it down. If they did, although I am American, it would definitely get my Irish up!
