Monday, September 16, 2024

Which side of history are you on?

Re-posted by N.S.

(For those of you who lack access to Twit

3:16 pm · may 12, 2023

I get tired of Democrats claiming to be on the “right side of history” when both their past and their present are so utterly sordid and destructive. So, if you are a democrat, let me tell you about MY side of history and YOUR side of history.

My side of history is Cato the Elder, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Irving Babbitt and William F. Buckley.

Your side of history is Thomas Hobbes, Karl Marx, Josef Stalin, Mao’s Little Red Book and Noam Chomsky.

My side of history is George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.

Your side of history is tories who fled to Canada, Jefferson Davis, Woodrow Wilson, Bull Connor, George Wallace and Nancy Pelosi.

My side of history is freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and spirited debate.

Your side of history is ThoughtCrime, Speech Codes, religious persecution and Cancel Culture.

My side of history is Brown v. board of ed., Loving v. VA, Gitlow v. NY, and Heller v. DC.

Your side of history is Dred Scott, Korematsu and Roe v. Wade.

My side of history is Jackie Robinson.

Your side of history is Colin Kaepernick.

My side of history is head held high, standing straight, hand over heart.

Your side of history is sullen glances at the ground, kneeling.

My side of history is the family as the foundation of society.

Your side of history is mutilating confused children.

My side of history is the rockets’ red glare.

Your side of history is imagine no religion.

My side of history is firefighters going up the stairs into the Twin Towers.

Your side of history is 28-year-old men playing call of duty in their mothers’ basements.

My side of history is smoked brisket.

Your side of history is a no-foam, no-sugar, soy latte.

My side of history is Lincoln freeing the slaves and General Patton liberating Buchenwald.

Your side of history is Fort Sumter, the Gulag and Pol Pot’s killing fields.

My side of history is Mel Brooks.

Your side of history is Amy Schumer.

My side of history is all men and women are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.

Your side of history is critical theory and only some lives matter.

My side of history is 20-year-olds storming Omaha Beach.

Your side of history is 20-year-olds in their safe spaces with adult coloring books.

My side of history is American men and women disabled by an IED.

Your side of history is American men and women disabled by anxiety.

My side of history is the Kentucky Rifle, the Springfield 1861, the M1911, the M1 Garand, the M14 and the AR15.

Your side of history is whimpering submission.

My side of history is Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, Apollo 11 and Jonas Salk.

Your side of history is “global warming,” 100+ genders and porous cloth masks stopping viruses.

My side is [sic] of history is laughing babies.

Your side of history is selling aborted baby parts on the open market.

My side of history is the Sistine Chapel and Monet’s water lilies.

Your side of history is an inverted crucifix in a bottle of urine.

My side of history is construction.

Your side of history is deconstruction.

My side of history is civilization.

Your side of history is nihilism.

And, MOST OF ALL: My side of history is liberty.

Your side of history is tyranny.



  1. You know,when people say dems were for slavery in the 1850s,as an argument for or against today's dems,it's a non sequitur. Today's dems are not the same dems from THIRTY years ago--neither are Republicans

    What democrats stand for today is a non-White "America"--that's all.


  2. Whoever this windbag is, he's completely nuts. Just starting off with William Buckley- a closeted-gay pothead who played conservative but was another liberal in disguise- was bad enough (lumped in with Thomas Jefferson, no less!), but then he moves on to Dr. King, Lincoln (whom everyone should know the ugly truth about by now), Reagan (finished off the country with amnesty for illegals), Trump... And he lists George Wallace as one of the bad guys!

    How do I get to be an "Internet Pundit"?



    (Breitbart)In the wake of abc noise's one-sided debate presentation last week,their evening noise ratings plummeted from 7.6 million viewers to 6.7 million--a 12% drop

    As Breitbart News reported, Whoopi Goldberg told her co-hosts Tuesday on ABC’s The View that she believed violence-inciting political rhetoric is only coming from Republicans.

    ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel used Monday’s show to mock Trump’s reaction to the second assassination attempt, downplaying the notion that would-be assassins could be inspired by the Democrats’ doomsday “end of democracy” rhetoric about Trump.

    GRA:Of course they deny it--THEY'RE intentionally provoking the nutjobs--and have been--for years. Dems like Kimmel,"Poopie" Goldberg,Holt and Norah O'Donnell are as innocent of incitement as Hunter Biden is in his illegal gun license case.

    All guilty as hell.


  4. Re-sending followup to my previous comment, I assume it was "lost"-

  5. Well, I couldn't get through the whole thing, but I went back to it (it's a dull day!)- this has got to be the dopiest thing you've ever had on your site!

    "My side of history is Mel Brooks"- sounds like Breitbart's resident "genius," John Nolte!

    "My side of history is all men and women are created equal..." Funny, I always thought it was "All MEN are created equal," but this guy is plenty PC on top of everything else.

    "Lincoln freeing the slaves and General Patton liberating Buchenwald..." MY side of history is Lincoln freeing only Southern slaves during the War, hoping they'd slaughter the families of the men who were away fighting, then later intending to send ALL of them back to Africa; and Patton being assassinated by his own government because he warned of the danger the Communists posed.

    MY side of history is all the intelligent, literate men of the past who actually had something to say, and had legitimate forums (publishing, as it once existed) in which to express themselves. HIS side is the Internet, a soapbox for every dimwit to make a fool of himself and receive the uncritical praise of the uneducated masses.

    ENOUGH! I'm going outside for some (chemtrailed) fresh air.


  6. Small Town Alabama Residents Silenced For Questioning Sudden Flood Of Haitian Migrants

    GRA:Story is too long to post in it's entirety,but there are close to one million ersatz "legal" aliens being pushed into cities all over the U.S.--with plenty of lies by WHITE politicians to go with these aliens.

    Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024 - 09:25 AM
    (ZH)This week U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released its latest statistics showing at least 530,000 migrants flew into the U.S. and were paroled into the country as part of the Biden administration’s controversial mass parole program for those migrating from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela (the CHNV program). The program essentially expedites the transfer of migrants from these countries with minimal vetting under refugee laws and allows them to stay in the US for at least two years with a work visa.

    The CBP also notes that at least 800,000 more migrants have applied for the program at US ports of entry, meaning they are likely already in the country. The numbers are not counted as illegal border crossings. The CBP has warned that once the two-year work period ends they do not have the manpower to track down those migrants that refuse to leave voluntarily.


  7. RM, that guy's a good republican. At first I didn't vet it carefully, but then I figured someone would catch its flaws. Thanks.
