Wednesday, September 18, 2024

unknown singer dead at 77

By N.S.


  1. But he's black,so media gets their collective bullhorns out. Maze is a another "legend" who doesn't need mentioning.


  2. It is a little unnerving when a career that began in 1977 is described as having spanned "five decades." Am I that old? Anyway, I do remember the band name "Maze," but don't recall ever hearing their music- and I WAS following pop music at that time.

    OK, I looked it up and it's another "rap is 50 years old" scam: the band had songs on the charts from 1978 to 1990, which sure ain't five decades! Not only that, the songs were only on the R&B charts- not a single one made the top 40. And not only THAT, even on the R&B charts, they only had one hit, charting at 14, the rest were WAY down the scale!

    In other words, like the supposed popularity of rap, total BS!

