Wednesday, September 18, 2024

u.k. pm Keir Starmer, canadian dictator Justin Castro, and fake U.S. president Joe Biden get together to negotiate starting wwiii

[“starmer AND biden meet about the ukraine; no decision announced about long-range missile approval.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, september 18, 2024 at 2:47:00 a.m. edt

Starmer: Sir, this is a very important discussion. Are you feeling well enough to participate?

Biden: Sure am, TRUMP, I have all my marbles yet—right here in my pocket—SEE?

Starmer: canada and the u.k. believe we should allow the ukraine to fire missiles right up to Putin’s front door, do you agree?

Biden: Why are you asking me, Trump...

Starmer: He’s out of it, get him to sign this agreement to okay the long range missiles.

Trudeau: Oui, oui-and now the nukes will fly on Washington, and we will run the world from our underground bunkers.

Biden: Why are you talking french, Trump?

Trudeau: Au revoir, sir.

Starmer: Yes, tally ho.

(Blinken walks in.)

“What happened while I was in the bathroom?”



  1. Why are they eager to start WWIII--are they just stupid--or do they think that after a big war it will be easier to install a global government?

  2. They're casting lines out,fishing for mass death.

