Sunday, September 08, 2024

The obscure state department bureau that fosters the global flow of foreign criminals from all over the world, into “America,” and its nine leading organized crime partners

By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat and N.S.
sunday, september 8, 2024 at 07:02:44 p.m. edt

“the obscure state department bureau that fosters global illegal migration”


We’re paying taxes to dispossess ourselves.


state department’s bureau of population, refugees, and migration (prm)

“prm should not be confused with state’s bureau of consular affairs, which is in charge of issuing visas to foreigners to enter the United States and is known in foggy bottom as ‘ca.’ because so many interest groups constantly want more visas to be issued, ca gets its fair share of scrutiny from the media, lobbyists, and members of congress. the prm bureau has nothing to do with visas, and so it often flies under the conservative policy radar.”

N.S.: “zh: even those who closely follow immigration and border issues rarely understand the role prm plays in accommodating and promoting the worldwide movement of illegal migrants.”

There’s no such thing as “illegal migrants,” or even “migrants.” The legal term in immigration law is “illegal aliens.”

When I was a kid, people (including the press) spoke of “migrants,” but that referred to Americans who traveled around the country, usually in search of seasonal work, i.e., “migrant workers” (e.g., fruit pickers).

Today, the media speak of “migrants,” in order to fool or pacify the American public, just as they have sought to fool or pacify the public for a generation or more by speaking of “immigrants,” when they were referring to foreign criminals (illegal aliens).

The only way such a destructive agency could “fly under the conservative policy radar,” is if “conservatives” don’t want to know about it. An amazingly uninquisitive bunch, there “conservatives.”

Here are the nine organized crime syndicates that pick hard-working, law-abiding, American taxpayers’ pockets, in collaboration with prm, in order to bring in millions of foreign criminals. The crime syndicates are known as “volags” (“voluntary agencies,” which is an old phrase meaning “private,” in English), who rake in millions of dollars in misbegotten profits at White taxpayers’ expense, for criminally aiding and abetting illegal aliens.

Church world service (Cws) (religious)

Episcopal migration ministries (Emm) (religious)

ethiopian community development council (ecdc)

Hebrew immigrant aid society (Hias) (religious)

international rescue committee (irc)

lutheran immigration and refugee services (Lirs) (religious)

u.s. committee for refugees and immigrants (uscri)

united states conference of Catholic bishops (uscCb) (religious)

world relief corporation (wr) (religious)

Although six out of nine hide behind a religious disguise, none of these crime syndicates is a religious organization. If there is anything they worship, it is communism.


  1. jerry pdx
    Michelle Malkin laid it all out in her book Open Borders Inc. Excellent book where she "follows the money" and exposes both the public and behind the scenes bad characters in all their inglorious evil:

    Highly recommend supporting her work by purchasing the book. Sadly, she has retired her regular column work but still does speaking engagements.

  2. Those organizations condone violence,murder,rape,robbery and drug addiction(and death)by pushing their agenda. Not wanting to live like foreigners do,is WHY countries went to war to keep them out.

    And the governments agreed--until lately.


    by Jim Rickards
    (ZH)If Trump can win the election with 270 or more Electoral College votes, the fight won’t be over. The Democrats have another lawfare trick up their sleeves.

    Even if Trump wins more than 270 Electoral College votes, Democrats could retake the House of Representatives. On Jan. 6, 2025, the new Democrat-controlled House could pass a resolution that Trump is an “insurrectionist” and disqualify his electoral votes under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

    Kamala would not have 270 electoral votes needed to win. This would throw the election of the president to the House of Representatives voting as state delegations, not as individuals. Under the XII Amendment (1804), only Kamala Harris could receive votes for president assuming Trump was disqualified and no other candidate won any electors at all.

    J.D. Vance would suffer no insurrectionist disqualification. So the result could be Kamala Harris as president and J.D. Vance as vice president (similar to Jefferson and Burr in 1801).

    Another possibility is that the Republican-controlled state delegations in the House could boycott the presidential vote in which case a quorum would be lacking. In that case, the vice president (J.D. Vance) “shall act as president” under the XII Amendment. This is not a far-fetched scenario. Democrats led by Jamie Raskin have already set the wheels in motion.

    Trump has 41 days to flip the narrative on Kamala Harris. If he does, the Democrats have a doomsday plan they will unveil on Jan. 6, 2025, to disqualify Trump.

    Put on your crash helmets. The election is far from over and far from certain.

    GRA:I've become less interested in the debate tonight--and I don't know why. If I hear,one more time,about how this is the most important debate,in the most important election,in our history--I'm going to projectile vomit.

    The country just gets worse and worse,no matter who's president,because no one does anything about blacks and mexicans destroying the lives and cities of Whites.

    And that's the bottom line.

