Monday, September 16, 2024

New York City: Why are THESE dominoes falling?

[“Scandal enveloping illegally elected, black supremacist nyc mayor, eric adams, widens, as ‘nyc’s’ chief legal counsel steps down from Adams’ office, week after fbi raids homes of mayor’s top aides (photo).”]

By Anonymous
sunday, september 15, 2024 at 8:28:00 a.m. edt

But why are THESE dominoes falling? Why Adams, and why now? The headlines of september, 2024 were supposed to be cheery speculation about which job he would get in the next Administration. In dei fantasy land, the FBI is “ours,” and Eric Adams isn’t supposed to be getting investigated by the FBI, he’s supposed to be THE FIRST BLACK FBI director, we repeat, THE FIRST BLACK DIRECTOR, this is a CBS news bulletin, THE FIRST BLACK and he’s going to make an FBI that looks like America, so there, nyaah nyaah nyaah, Democrats are the party of Law And Order.

Christopher Wray is supposed to be having a press conference to say we looked under every rock, and there’s nothing big to see here, like Comey did for Hillary.

It’s got to be more than just him whining about migrants or a bland sexual harassment accusation. Why in the world is he in the doghouse?

And the really scary part, what wacko degenerate is being set up to be the next mayor?


  1. blacks MUST be put in charge of Whites--they MUST!

    And they will be unless Whites stand against it.


  2. Laugh of the day(ZH posts):

    16 minutes ago(commie poster)

    Old Man Trumpy

    surrounded by incompetents

    burdened with a freak VP partner

    rejected by his wife and family

    beaten by a black lady

    1 minute ago(patriot)
    She's not black. My dog barks at black people on tv, except her.

    43 seconds ago(another patriot)

    Good dog.



    (Breitbart)A(black)woman accused of stabbing 3-year-old Julian Wood to death earlier this summer in a store parking lot in Cleveland, Ohio, has been deemed incompetent to stand trial.

    The suspect, 32-year-old Bionca Ellis, has also been ordered to an inpatient treatment facility, News 5 Cleveland reported, citing court records.

    Ellis was undergoing a 20-day evaluation when her doctor concluded “that the defendant is incompetent to stand trial, but that there is a substantial probability of restoration to competency within the statutory time frame if provided with a course of treatment,” according to Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas records.

    Ellis will be placed back into the custody of the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office after she completes treatment at North Coast Behavioral Health, the report states, noting that the statutory time frame to determine if she is competent for a future trial is one year.

    The order comes after her attorney said at a hearing in July that Ellis was “not able to assist in her defense.”

    GRA:There IS no defense for what she did. They'll probably attempt to "fix her up",try her and then find her innocent because she was insane at the time of her crime--but is now cured.

    Back on the street.Rinse and repeat.

