Saturday, September 07, 2024

killer at large--but protected by the msm (corrected)

By A Longtime Reader
saturday, september 7, 2024 at 03:27:57 p.m. edt

Killer at Large--but protected by the msm

This San Francisco killer has been at large for 13 months and counting, but the MSN won't reveal his name, identity, or appearance. Why?

Commentators have noted that this deliberate shielding of the suspect's identity by news outlets makes them an accessory to the crime.

(P.S.: Hey, all you "ban-the-box" people--doesn't it warm your heart to read stories like this?)

N.S.: My hunch is that the killer is black or hispanic. If he were White, the gendarmes would have immediately scooped him up, or provided the public with his name and photo.