Saturday, September 07, 2024

ghetto lottery time! 16-year-old boy breaks into closed pool, drowns

saturday, september 7, 2024 at 08:42:36 PM EDT

16-year-old boy dies after drowning in pool despite facility being closed, mayor's office says


  1. The city is liable because the warning signs they posted are discriminatory against illiterate nigros.

    Next case.


  2. Why was the pool closed in the middle of a hot Saturday afternoon in Houston? This is why we miss Sheila Jackson Lee. She would have made sure the federal government met its obligations, like providing funds, staffing, and clean towels for the po' oppressed child. And that she got the first-class airline seat and the choice of lobster or prime rib.

  3. Decades ago some kids broke into a barn and cut themselves on the glass from the window they broke. They sued. And won! No justice anymore--just emotions guiding courts.
