Monday, September 09, 2024

dozens reported killed in Israeli strikes on "hummus command center" in gaza terrorist area, if you'll pardon the redundancy

By N.S.

"dozens reported killed in Israeli strikes on ‘Hamas command center’ in gaza humanitarian [sic] area"

"the Israeli military launched airstrikes on a designated humanitarian zone in gaza where the idf said hamas terrorists were embedded — killing at least 40 people and injuring dozens of others, according to palestinian authorities."

There's no such thing as a humanitarian zone dominated by moslems, or their communist "allies," e.g., unrwa (united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east). There are only tweo possible ways of viewing unrwa: either as a terrorist front, or simply as a terrorist organization.

1 comment:

  1. The longer this goes on,I'm actually surprised Iran stays out of the Israel/hamas conflict. They ARE allies--right? I guess not--or maybe,they're scared sh*tless of getting bombed back to Bedrock.

