Friday, September 06, 2024

"brokeback mountain blocked in russia"

By R.C.
friday, september 6, 2024 at 06:46:09 p.m. edt

"brokeback mountain blocked in russia" — rt entertainment

Part of the global homo agenda.


  1. Putin says,"There's the Ural Mountains,the Caucasus Mountains and the Sayan Mountains,there are no Brokeback Mountains."



  2. What about Broke Dick Mountain? Four years of Bidenomics has done it to us.

  3. jerry pdx
    "jerry", not this jerry but a mex looking one is sentenced to prison for being a prolific graffitti "artiste":

    28 yr. old jerry mijangos (is that the mex equivalent of bojangles?) gets 30 months as part of the resolution of 4 separate criminal cases.

    "He is known for using the moniker KASR in repeated incidents of vandalism in 2023 and 2024".

    Check out his mug. Those chicken scratches look like what those New Zealand natives, the maori, scrawl all over their faces, maybe that's where he got imported from? Something tells me he's up to more monkey business than just scrawling some ugly graffitti on walls.

    "Tagging" is usually characterized as a "White boy" suburban kid thing but here in very White pdx, I've noticed that many who get arrested for it are not White but often black, mex or other. The black ones are more likely, as they always are, to act out violently if caught. Recently, there was a tagging crew operating in the city composed of negroes that carried bear spray that they would use against anybody who saw them.

    Taggers fancy themselves to be "street artists", but they are not. They are criminal vandals, pure and simple.

  4. Should I care one way or the other about the Russians banning "Brokeback Mountain"?

  5. I suppose we could use their judgement as an example of something WE should do in the U.S.


  6. Yesterday I drove down the freeway through Seattle to go to the airport. I have been avoiding Seattle as much as possible in recent years for obvious reasons.
    I was surprised to find what a mess the taggers have made since the last time I was there. Some may feel sorry for the taggers because there are now long stretches in which all the available concrete has been used and there is little room for new graffiti. How long before some government program is proposed to provide more "canvas" for these budding artists? Of course I suggest arresting them and sentencing them to months of concrete scrubbing.
