Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Big Steal II: dems have more than one way to steal the 2024 election—even if the President exceeds 270 electoral votes

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, september 10, 2024 at 6:18:00 p.m. edt

by Jim Rickards

“(zh) if Trump can win the election with 270 or more electoral college votes, the fight won’t be over. the democrats have another lawfare trick up their sleeves.

“even if Trump wins more than 270 electoral college votes, democrats could retake the house of representatives. on Jan. 6, 2025, the new democrat-controlled house could pass a resolution that Trump is an ‘insurrectionist’ and disqualify his electoral votes under section 3 of the 14th amendment.

“Kamala would not have 270 electoral votes needed to win. this would throw the election of the president to the house of representatives voting as state delegations, not as individuals. under the xii amendment (1804), only Kamala Harris could receive votes for president assuming Trump was disqualified and no other candidate won any electors at all.

“J.D. Vance would suffer no insurrectionist disqualification. so the result could be Kamala Harris as president and J.D. Vance as vice president (similar to Jefferson and Burr in 1801).

“another possibility is that the republican-controlled state delegations in the house could boycott the presidential vote, in which case a quorum would be lacking.” [N.S.: the republicans are much too cowardly and treacherous to do that.] “in that case, the vice president (J.D. Vance) ‘shall act as president’ under the xii amendment. this is not a far-fetched scenario. democrats led by Jamie Raskin have already set the wheels in motion.

“Trump has 41 days to flip the narrative on Kamala Harris. if he does, the democrats have a doomsday plan they will unveil on jan. 6, 2025, to disqualify Trump.

“put on your crash helmets. the election is far from over, and far from certain.”

GRA: I’ve become less interested in the debate tonight—and I don’t know why. If I hear, one more time, about how this is the most important debate, in the most important election, in our history—I’m going to projectile vomit.

The country just gets worse and worse, no matter who’s president, because no one does anything about blacks and mexicans destroying the lives and cities of Whites.

And that’s the bottom line.


N.S.: It used to be that all blacks had to do was scream, “racist!,” and all republicans would fold like a cheap suitcase. Now, the blacks don’t even have to scream, before republicans submit.

I stopped listening to the President, while he was still in the white house, because he never followed through on his promises.

On day one, he was going to eliminate birthright citizenship for illegal aliens. He was going to build the wall. He was going to deport millions of illegals. Then we were going to “need” them, as opposed to the 20 million-23 million permanently unemployed Americans.


  1. What Trump hath wrought:


    "Removes the words “mother” and “father” from statutes – and more.
    Pushed by aggressive LGBT group. Children will be the major victims.
    House and Senate Republicans ALL voted for it." [Emphasis mine]

    "Major Republican political figures – most notoriously Donald and Melania Trump – now openly support the LGBT movement and even raise money for LGBT lobbying efforts."

    Trump's only concern is feeding his ego and building a political dynasty for his lousy children. We could have had DeSantis- who at least had potential- but Trump would not stand for anyone stealing his spotlight. That DeSantis' own backers turned on him for being too "conservative" (especially on abortion and gay "rights") should tell you he would have been the better choice. So be it.


  2. Well if you're going to vote,you can't vote for Kumalot harris.


    1. Of course not. As Mr. Goldwyn supposedly said, "Include me out." Whatever happens, happens. MAYBE if everything finally, irrevocably blows up, people will actually be roused to some kind of action (difficult without a leader). Not holding my breath.


  3. Here's a summary of the debate in four words--and why I wasn't interested:

    He said,she said.

    I watched it,but my description was confirmed.


  4. Trump's best moment was when harris brought up the various "prosecutions",meant to label him a convicted criminal,but the President turned it around by saying "the democrats had weaponized the DoJ against me and all their cases are being overturned."



  5. "They say I'm a threat to democracy--I took a bullet to the head for democracy."

    Another good moment.


  6. It took a couple questions,but by 9:15 p.m.,the President went into high gear and took control of the debate. Harris tried to suggest a mental deficiency about Trump,but there's absolutely no sign of that.

    What will "The View" say about this debate? Trump did very well,in my opinion.

    "Putin endorsed her last week and I see why,Russia has gone and done whatever they want because they're(biden/harris)are WEAK!"


    1. I think Putin was puttin' us on with that "endorsement." Of course, he can't very well come out for Trump. On the other hand, "Mr. Peacemaker" Trump has said he's ready to launch WW3 against both Russia AND China!



  7. 10:22 p.m. A race question.

    She brings up CP 5,accuses Trump of racism.

    Trump said,"Mike Bloomberg agreed with me--they confessed,then they didn't confess."

    She doesn't want a "divisive President,"she wants "everyone,regardless of color and what language their grandmother speaks,to partake in the U.S."

    Translation :Whitey must suffer so spics and spooks take over the neighborhoods and our cities.


  8. FOX analysts,post debate,seemed to think Trump did "terrible".

    I don't see it.



    GRA:Whoopie,who commiserated with biden after his debate with Trump,by admitting she had diaper accidents too(hence,the new name,"Poopie"),came out by saying Trump was out debated on EVERY issue. She played the "Haitians eating pets" clip--and they laughed--"there's no proof"(except for citizens complaining),"harris won on the border issue"(only for delirious commies) etc.etc.etc.

    Chris Christie showed up and didn't go overboard,like "Poopie" did,only saying,"harris did what she had to."

    My buddy,up in big rapids,thought it was a draw,but I still gave Trump the edge for energy,recall of names and situations and still having the fight in his system to want to point out that four years with harris/walz will be a commie disaster.


  10. DeSantis was for the TransPacific partnership--either he doesn't understand trade or is a globalist--look at the establishment creeps who supported him. Trump understands the need for tariffs and rebuilding manufacturing. Trump may not be perfect, but he is the only choice available now. In the future Thomas Massie would be a great president. But it may not matter. The Cacklin' Commie and Tampon Tim may well lead the cheaters to victory--no matter how many votes Trump gets. Then all is lost. Freedom is already gone in the rest of the world.
