Friday, June 28, 2024

The day after Biden’s dementia display, msm downplays debate performance, saying, “he bounced back today at a rally”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, june 28, 2024 at 2:24:00 p.m. edt

GRA: Scripps news was fully behind biden, pushing the narrative that Trump is a liar and biden is a truth-teller (hilarious). A clip from today's biden rally was supposed to make everyone say that last night was an anomaly. It was not.

"I may not walk as well as I used to, I may not talk as well as I used to, I may not debate like I used to (what's left?), but I tell the TRUTH." (A lie right there.)

Scripps and others like abc were already pulling back from last night's declaration that,"biden must go," and repeated the "Trump lies" mantra.

I think messages are being sent to the judge in the Trump ny case to give Trump time in prison. If that doesn't happen, the odds increase of biden being dumped before the convention in August.



  1. Look up,"When mum asks who the better golfer is".

    It's two guys doing a great schtick about the biden/Trump golf argument.I HOPE they're doing actual voice impersonations,but I doubt it--more like lipsynch.



  2. Yasmeen F. of Atlanta Black Star News mentioned WXII and pretty much just lifted the original article but didn't give a shout-out to the original author DaVonté McKenith. DaVonté McKenith.

    Not sayin' you plagiarized, Yasmeen (you're not Harvard Prez material), just merely failed-to-give-a-shout-out.

  3. jerry pdx
    The purpose of a debate is to see if a candidate has the mental sharpness to respond spontaneously to questions, delivering a canned speech is quite another, it doesn't require the same acuity. He was still fumbling and awkward in his "comeback" speech, but didn't have to answer any questions so was able to string together the words his speechwriters prepared for him. What does it matter anyways? If Biden gets re elected, being mentally sharp only makes him more dangerous, more capable of pushing forward his globalist agenda. A senile doddering old fool in office means the deep state, the shadow government, or whoever it is behind the scenes that steps in when a President falters will be running the show. Are they globalist zealots as fanatical as Biden? Will they do as much damage as strong competent Biden could?

  4. If the man behind the mask is really Obama, then the answer is "Yes!" Obama will continue to push his leftist, anti-White agenda to destroy America.

  5. jerry pdx
    Black female serial killer? Female equivalent to Billy Chemirmir?

    A Texas woman already charged with the endangerment of one person and the murder of another may be connected to the deaths of up to 20 other individuals, police say. And it’s all in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

    The unlicensed Love & Caring for People LLC was founded by Regla “Su” Becquer and advertised as a company that provided in-house care for people with bed-bound health conditions across five homes in Tarrant County, according to Arlington police.

    How she was responsible for people dying is not clear, police appear are still investigating so we'll have to wait and see what information comes out in the future.

    In contrast to black male serial killers, who are wildly overrepresented, black female serial killers are rare, black ones appear to even be rarer than White ones. At least I have not been able to find many reports of them. I do think black women are well (if not more so) represented as mass killers, or as murderers in general, but I've only seen a very few reports of black women being serial killers, and they always seem to have been operating in concert with men. If somebody knows of any, I'd like to get their names.

    Women don't have that sexual motive to kill like men do. They have a different biology and since some sort of sexual psychosis is what drives most serial killers, they are almost always men. But when profit is at stake, women are quite capable of multiple killings also.

  6. Forces are being marshalled and being told what to say. The talking points. And the media obliges.
