Friday, June 28, 2024

ny times calls on fake president/real gangster Joe Biden to drop out of 2024 presidential race "to serve his country"

By N.S.

"ny times calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 presidential race 'to serve his country'"

"the new york times editorial board called on president Biden to step aside as the presumptive democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential race friday, one day after his abysmal performance..."


  1. And just give it to Trump--unopposed?

    Good idea.

    Trump still might not win--RFK would get it.

    Or Jill Stein--anyone but Trump.


  2. Comments from ZH about biden's left eye:


    Am I the only one that noticed that his left eyelid was drooping? And that he hardly blinked?

    2 hours ago

    You're worrying about his left eyelid and that he hardly blinked? How about the way he can't seem to remember to close his mouth most of the time? And what about how he gets a look of total confusion and his reactions are not normal?

    You know how people say "the lights are on, but nobody's home?" In biden's case, the lights are going out and the house has been abandoned for a while.


  3. Serve his country pre-cooked on a platter to the drug cartels and roving mobs of illegal aliens. Is that the type of serving they are speaking about?
