Monday, June 17, 2024

newsweek ran an article purportedly to tell us what makes a serial killer, but it left out something crucial

By Jerry PDX
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 10:48:00 p.m. edt

newsweek ran an article purportedly to tell us what makes a serial killer:

Notice anything about the nine they featured in the photos? Around half of all arrested serial killers in the U.S. are black, in the last 15 years or so around 75% of all arrested serial killers are black men, three out of four of the most prolific every in the US are black men (Lonnie Franklin jr., Eugene Coral Watts, and Samuel Little) but the ones in the photo are all White, well, except for “White enough” Ramirez. Author of the article is Monica Sager, sounds like a woke White woman’s name if I ever heard one.

They’re leaving out one of the most important qualities that increase the chance of a man being a serial killer: Being a negro.

N.S.: It’s a disguised press release for a fraudulent book Monica Sager is coming out with soon.


  1. Wokeweek is more like it.


  2. TV shows always say that serial killers are always White men between certain ages. They also claim that rapist/killers stick to their own race--not true black killers kill White women as well as other races.

  3. All whitey dudes. Not one killer that is a knee-grow. Knee-grow many of them even more prolific killers than whitey.
