Saturday, June 01, 2024

"breaking: nypd cops tase man who tried stabbing people in manhattan"; cops guilty of insufficient force, in dealing with "mentally ill" (wink, wink) perp; new york post Gauleiter have put America's top crime reporter--who used to write for the post--on auto-block (Revised)

By N.S.

"breaking: nypd cops tase man who tried stabbing people in manhattan"

"police responding to a call of a man with a knife near east 102 Street and third avenue in east harlem, cops said."

"The suspect had gotten into a dispute with four other individuals on the street before he became violent, cops said."

My attempted comment: No, he hadn't. That's standard cop b.s., to be ignored at all times. English translation: The perp had harassed and made terroristic threats against four other individuals on the street before he started acting on the threats.

"Sure about this? Your post seems to include language which may be considered inappropriate in our community. You can either revise your comment or have it reviewed by a moderator. Learn More"


I changed "b.s." to "b-s-."

"your comment failed to publish. retry"

Third try, Gauleiter. No, he hadn't. That's standard cop [bleep], to be ignored at all times. English translation: The perp had harassed and made terroristic threats against four other individuals on the street before he started acting on the threats.

"your comment failed to publish. retry"

I tried three times, with a "progressively" more censored comment, but the Gauleiter blocked me every time.

"Sure about this? Your post seems to include language which may be considered inappropriate in our community. You can either revise your comment or have it reviewed by a moderator. Learn More"


I changed "b.s." to "b-s-."

"your comment failed to publish. retry"

I changed "b-s-" to "[bleep]."

"your comment failed to publish. retry"

Immediately! "your comment failed to publish. retry"

"This is a test."

Again, immediately! "your comment failed to publish. retry"

The perp: surprise, surprise!



  1. What is the difference between Nicky and a rabid dog?

    The dog was once capable of being men's best friend.

  2. Tase not good enough. One quickly delivered stab wound can kill instantly. Close enough to tase then close enough to kill with gunfire.


    GRA:abc had this listed under their,"Guns in America" category,lol.Guns--really?

    (abc news)
    25 people shot, 1 fatally, as chaos breaks out at Akron, Ohio, street party: Police
    No suspects are in custody, according to police.

    At least 25 people were shot, one fatally, when gunfire broke out early Sunday morning at a large street party in Akron, Ohio, authorities said.

    The shooting erupted just after midnight in East Akron followed by numerous 911 calls from witnesses reporting multiple victims were struck by bullets, according to a joint statement issued Sunday morning by Akron Mayor Shammas Malik(GRA:Figures.)and Police Chief Brian Harding, who was sworn in last week to lead the department(GRA:Poor s.o.b.--he's White).

    As police officers responded to the scene of the shooting, local hospitals reported multiple people arriving at their respective emergency rooms with gunshot wounds.

    One victim, a 27-year-old man, was killed in the mayhem that occurred near the intersection of Kelly and 8th avenues, authorities told Cleveland ABC affiliate WEWS.

    "This morning, our city is reeling after the devastation of senseless violence," Malik and Harding said in their joint statement. "With more than two dozen victims, the pain and trauma reverberates across all of Akron today as we search for answers. As with all acts of violence in our city, our hearts are with the victims and their loved ones."

    A motive for the shooting was not immediately released. No arrests had been announced as of mid-morning Sunday, and no suspects were identified.

    One witness said,"We was all having a good time,dancing on cars,then all of a sudden,you heard gunshots and it was time to leave."

    GRA:Are there any cops patrolling these streets?Don't they see this sh*tload of cars and negroes milling around--looking for trouble?Do they break it up?
    No,they let it go until the bullets fly.
    You have to crack down on this "negro fun",with curfews,patrols and arrests.


