Monday, June 17, 2024

fake president/real gangster Joe Biden about to announce illegal, unconstitutional "mass amnesty" for illegal aliens, while giving them voter registration forms

By N.S.


  1. Whites need not show up.Network news is stacking their reporting staff with blacks and mex.

    GRA:It's happened pretty rapidly(I'd say the last 6 months),but abc news and Scripps seem to have followed "negro nightly news" into the coal burning business,by saturating their on-air personnel with nothing but minorities. This fast moving trend follows the FIRST trend of what I call the "black tsunami"-- on commercials--the past 3-4 years.

    My unofficial count shows a noticeable decrease in White reporters in 2024 to where less than 40% of the people I see, on network tv news,are White.

    Mex and blacks,blacks and mex,a few asians thrown in are literally squeezing Whitey away from our newsdesks--which completely changes what news stories will air and in what manner(truthful or not).

    More decline for America.


  2. 99 % of those applying for amnesty have no case. The other half also don't have a case. Biden simplified the whole process. What a bastard.
