Sunday, June 23, 2024

big steal ii: google whistleblower exposes plot to rig 2024 elections, trace everything you do

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 11:50:13 PM EDT

WATCH: Google Whistleblower Exposes Plot To Rig 2024 Elections, Trace Everything You Do


So, why would google not behave as if it were not an arm of the government?


It's because it was funded in part by google.  Heck, Silicon Valley was funded in large measure by the DOD.


And his late wife?


Of course she was murdered by the Deep State.


Like JFK.


And Jack Ruby.


And remember the late Kenneth Trentadue?


When his corpse was found it was discovered that every bone in his body had been broken.  He even had bruises on the soles of his feet from the beatings meted out by FBI agents.


Yet the "official" narrative was that he had "committed suicide.


Or how about Michael Hastings?


Seth Rich?


Ronni Karpen Moffitt?


My late Uncle Jack, a retired Washington, D.C. homicide detective, investigated the assassination of Letelier and the murder of Moffitt.


Uncle Jack told me a few years before his death that the CIA had murdered Letelier. 


He told me this directly in a long distance phone call.


When I asked him how he knew this, he replied,


"Because we found incriminating documents at the scene."


And let's not forget DARPA's role in both the creation of the COVID "virus" and the "vaccines" used to "prevent" COVID.


So, yeah, google is gonna influence the forthcoming election.










1 comment:

  1. Just add google to the long list of election "influencers"--too long a list to fit in this writing space that never ends.

    No matter how far down you go.
