Sunday, May 26, 2024

Progress in new hampshire

Re-posted by N.S.


  1. Depends if the precinct workers are mex or White.If they're mex,it's like not even passing a law.


  2. Posturing. If New Hampshire was serious about voting integrity, they would have gotten rid of the just-show-up rule, by which out-of-state college students vote. There's an isolated prosecution here and there. Are we supposed to trust that when Umbubohamed shows up with a Keene State student ID and a Keene poll worker is going to go question it? Or Connecticut Karen, who has already voted absentee in her home state, shows up in person at the NH polls. I'm so glad I didn't move to New Hampshire because of the Free State Project. That is one big-time failed illusion.


  3. "New Hampshire Senate has passed a bill to require anyone who shows up to vote, must provide proof of citizenship."

    That such a thing even has to be considered in the first place. And is not a certain thing.
