Sunday, May 26, 2024

People are fed up with the newest hate crime hoax; SF's Tawana Brawley/Jussie Smollett has already raised over $200,00 via wire fraud (gofraudme), but when yahoo! fake news tried to expand his and black supremacist fake reporter's fraud zone, people criticized him so much that yahoo! blocked and shut down comments!

By N.S.

yahoo! fake news' Gauleiter blocked or deleted all but 123 comments.

The sf blog, mission local blocked all but 14 blindly supportive comments. The sf fire department is maintaining radio silence. How long till we hear a non-conclusory conclusion?

"black San Francisco dog walker whose house burned down says he's faced racist harassment for years"

This is the nbc "thing" by black supremacist Curtis Bunn, where hate hoaxer Terry Williams expanded his hoax from a few weeks to 14 years.

Its all a lie of course. Smollet. Every time these things get published they always always turn out to be false

Up 7 Down 8


MAGA hats will turn up in a week or so. Smollet’s lawyers will be hired. Up 2 Down 8

Thomas R
23 May, 2024

I must have missed something. Is he suggesting someone deliberately started a fire when his parents were home? Are they sure his elderly parents didn’t start the fire accidentally?

Up 10 Down 5

• 23 May, 2024

How is this possible SF is the beacon light of wokeness, unity, compassion. Only the most deserving are allowed to enter the city limits and spread their humanity to all deemed worthy of their enlightenment. It’s either that or it’s the biggest load of cr peddled by the most bigoted closed minded hypocrites humanity can muster. I vote for the latter. Up 13 Down 3

• Telstar

• “Because this did not happen. I mean how many times have you heard this story and it always turns out to be the person claiming to be the victim. Remember the waitresses and all the bigoted notes on their receipts? Everyone of them was fake”

Up 1, Down 4


Sorry NBC. Not takin the bait. I'll wait for the investigation.

Up 19 Down 9


  1. I KNEW when I looked up this "reporter",he'd be black--which is how nbc conducts investigations. They like to use the blitzkrieg method with "race stories",by assigning a black to said story and rapidly airing whatever unproven charges they can come up with for incendiary purposes,before their "facts" are debunked as b.s.

    They don't care either.


  2. "raised over $200,00 via wire fraud"

    Correct. If this all false, a hoax, the man has done serious crimes. Crossed interstate lines with wire transfers for monetary gain based on false pretenses.
