Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Why are there anti-Jew rallies on campuses? One reason: Tonight, nbc airs story of arab baby born prematurely after Israeli bomb kills parents; if that wasn’t an incitement

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

GRA: Raf Sanchez in tel aviv reporting—or inciting—along with Lesta Holt. There’s news and there’s “news.” What you report and the manner in which it’s delivered, dictates how the public perceives and reacts. nbc knows this perfectly well and it intentionally raises the temperature of the masses via it’s subject matter—today, with the profile of a soon-to-be mother who was injured from an Israeli bomb attack, causing premature childbirth to begin.

“The mother and father die.”

They’ve done this repeatedly on subjects such as Trump, race, White cops and the border invasion. Now they’ve added the Israeli-hummus conflict to the menu, minutes after reporting of the arrests—on various college campuses—of anti-Semitic protesters, but playing dumb while they do it.

“Why are you protesting?” nbc asks as innocently as it can without laughing out loud. Could it be their “reporting” is part of it?

Riots by blacks, after george floyd, were instigated by nbc (and the other networks).

That’s not news reporting, that’s what nbc accused Donald Trump of on jan 6th, 2021—pure incitement.


1 comment:

  1. One human fetus on display too. Real or not I don't know. Those images of dead babies and little children much to the advantage of Hamas.

    Sentimentality, sensationalism always sells stories.

    Feeding the loose dogs of Gaza good for images also.
