Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"most famous 'science' journal: Saying only 2 sexes is 'misinformation'"

By N.S.

"most famous 'science' journal: Saying only 2 sexes is 'misinformation'"

"'has gone from trying to understand reality to denying it altogether'"

The creed of pc "science" today: The scientists have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.



  1. Before 2020,there was no doubt--for 4,000+ years--we had only two sexes(everyone agreed).

    But now,in woke insanity,and a fear of being castigated and cast off from their jobs,our "experts" have all caved in and shown the same lack of courage they had during covid.

    You can't believe a thing they say.


  2. Thank you "science" journal. I am enlightened now and so much the better for it now.

  3. Doctors and scientists have only themselves to blame that the public no longer trusts them. They have become whores to politics and money and foist their lies on the public.
