Saturday, March 30, 2024

Not Everyone at WEJB/NSU Supports the President

[“Foreign criminals at the texas border have become even more violent against law enforcement.”]

saturday, march 30, 2024 at 8:31:00 p.m. edt

Maybe Trump shouldn’t have encouraged them:

It’s really disgusting what this man gets away with; even zh has a core of Trump sycophants.

Now he made an open declaration that he’s not even going to attempt to repeal Obamacare-something he pledged to do the first time he ran. These stories barely get a mention anywhere online, but any empty gesture he makes for public attention gets the royal treatment.



  1. You can wave,"hello" and you can wave,"buh bye."

    Was that clarified?

    Too many variables coming up to let us assume WHO will be available for our votes in November,legally and medically.


  2. Disclaimer: Much as I dislike Trump, that sure doesn't mean that I support the OTHER side! Nor do I support the despicable legal tactics being used against him (though all his woes are due to his narcissistic ineptitude and seeming unwillingness to neutralize the bad guys when he held office).

  3. He's fighting even MORE MAGA haters this time around than when he was POTUS.His "legal problems" are all baloney,but if whoever's holding the gavel is a Trump hater,he's in big trouble.

    And it appears that every judge and d.a. in the country IS a Trump hater today.


  4. Those who dislike Trump need to wise up and realize that if Biden or his substitute are put back in office, you can kiss freedom goodbye. The government persecution of conservatives and patriots is ample warning that there is worse to come.

  5. Re the above: Who the Hell is responsible for Biden getting in charge in the first place? No one other than Trump, who acted like an incompetent jackass for four years, getting NOTHING accomplished, playing goody-two-shoes with his (and our) political enemies, so in love with himself that he never even addressed the possibility of voter fraud (which will be his undoing again this year, if he makes it to November). We had the possibility of DeSantis as a candidate (an unknown quantity, but at least he's made stabs at fighting the Establishment), but Trump's despicable trashing of him took care of that possibility.
    And are you enjoying "Transgender Easter"? Trump is responsible for that as well, as the most "gay-friendly" President ever (tons of links available on request). Sick of him and his brainless followers. -RM

  6. Here's a good one: (Bezos' ex donates millions to Liberal causes)
    Key sentence:
    "Ron DeSantis and his anti-immigration policies 'must be stopped' "
    Don't worry, Trump took care of THAT possibility!

  7. Dear NS:
    Sorry for the redundancies in my above messages. I wrote them hurriedly and in a state of (as they used to say) High Dudgeon.

  8. As I've written, Trump talks too much, thinks out loud, makes unforced errors, and says stupid things into an open microphone. Yes, I voted for him twice, though it was a vote against Hillary and Biden.

    When the two Georgia Senate seats were up in January 2021, Trump went to Georgia and threw a temper tantrum, losing both races and giving the Dems control of the Senate. He insisted on one of his "rallies" which would change nothing resulting in the J6 "riot."

    His fans always say Trump will pull a masterstroke "owning the libs," but it never happens. Even if Trump miraculously wins this time he's a 78-year old lame duck. Trump had the presidential pen and phone for four years without doing what he claims he will do "this time."
