Monday, March 25, 2024

"commuter killed after being pushed in front of moving nyc subway train"

By N.S.

"commuter killed after being pushed in front of moving nyc subway train in unprovoked attack"

[N.S.: As opposed to, commuter killed after being pushed in front of moving nyc subway train in provoked attack? The msm have got to stopped with the "unprovoked attack" crap.]

"a commuter was struck and killed by a manhattan subway train monday after being shoved onto the tracks in an unprovoked attack, according to police. the victim was pushed onto..."


  1. Si--or YO!

    When is Adams going to stand on a subway platform to see how much crime has improved?Obviously,he's added that spot to Mexico for places to avoid.


  2. As if a provoked attack would warrant being pushed in front of a train.
