Wednesday, February 28, 2024

new york state gov. Kathy Hochul is going to rob new yorkers (or at least, White ones) of all public service jobs, and give them instead to people who don’t speak a word of English—never mind that they’re all foreign criminals! But Whites will pay for all of this evil

Re-posted by N.S.


  1. Dear Kathy Hochul(Yokel)

    I don't speak the foreign languages they speak--what do I do?

    Anonymous patron

    Dear Anonymous patron:

    Just between us,if you're White(and you must be--you spelled everything correctly),you wouldn't WANT to ride on our buses and subways or interact with the government sector after I'm done with it.

    A word to the wise...

    Truthfully yours,
    Gov.Kathy Hochul(Yokel)

  2. Why shoot, a fairly high percentage of government workers barely speak a word of understandable English already. Even native born Americans.

  3. She needs to be arrested and prosecuting for aiding and abetting illegal immigrants and encouraging them to settle. We need a president who will assemble a justice department to go after criminals like Katy Hocul.
