Wednesday, February 28, 2024

miss germany 2024=an ugly, over-aged iranian (videos)

By "W"
wednesday, february 28, 2024 at 02:05:59 a.m. est

miss germany 2024=ugly, over-aged iranian

take your pick of video reports.

N.S.: The crazy thing is, there are stunning iranian girls, but she ain't one of 'em.


  1. The clincher is the "black" hairstyle- the "mattress-factory-explosion" look. Not enough to have a foreigner- it has to look like a total ugly mess. It's another raised middle-finger aimed at Western Civilization. (And it is deliberate- all the junk-mail solicitations and bill-inserts I've gotten lately are not only all-minority, but minorities with horror-movie hair. Including children.) -RM

  2. A crazier thing is that there are stunning German girls--but she ain't one of them. There is an old Espanola (a poor Hispanic town in New Mexico) joke: "What is an Espanola ten?" Answer--a four and a six pack. Well there is a lot of beer in Germany...

  3. Looks too old. Not ugly but not the usual standard of beauty.
