Wednesday, February 28, 2024

race-affirming care now! lawsuit reveals somerthing the chicago pd would rather not be revealed

By Anonymous
wednesday, february 28, 2024 at 03:25:53 a.m. est

race-affirming care now!

"Chicago cop sues city for right to change his race after department allows officers to change genders"

"Yusuf claims he provided the results of a '23 and Me' genetic test, showing his heritage and race, but the department rejected his request"

By Lawrence Richard·fox news
published february 27, 2024 11:01 am est

"a chicago police officer is suing the city to change his race on his official records after the department said it would allow officers to freely change their gender to match their identity."

"Mohammad Yusuf, 43, said in a federal civil rights lawsuit filed last week that he is looking to change from 'Caucasian' as he 'currently identifies as egyptian and african american.' however, the chicago police department is not allowing him to change his race.

"the lawsuit comes as the department allows an officer's 'gender identity [to be] corrected to match their lived experience,' Yusuf's lawsuit alleges.

"and, the decision is impacting Yusuf's professional advancement, he claims.

"fox news digital reached out to the chicago police department for a statement, and it said: 'We do not comment on pending litigation.'

"according to the lawsuit, Yusuf alleges that he has been repeatedly overlooked for promotions due to his 'Caucasian' race. these promotions, he claims, have been given to other minority applicants with only very few going to Caucasian applicants.

"the 20-year veteran of the chicago police department points in his lawsuit to cpd's promotion system that 'particularly' benefits 'minority candidates,' even if they did not score well on promotional exams.

"Yusuf specifically claims he 'scored in the first promotional tier' on the sergeant's exam in 2019. but, he was not promoted then and has still not received such a promotion.

"since that time, he alleges in the lawsuit to have seen 'over 75 merit [sic] promotions to sergeant,' with 'less than five' going to candidates who identify as Caucasian.

"'despite Yusuf's exemplary qualifications and the purported race-neutral policy of the merit system, Yusuf has been repeatedly bypassed for promotion in favor of less qualified candidates, based on their race, specifically african american officers, some of whom had disciplinary issues and were not suitable for the responsibilities of a sergeant,' Yusuf said in his complaint.

"Yusuf said he first joined the force in 2004 and, at the time, the department only offered three race selections: Caucasian, black and hispanic. He chose 'Caucasian' and it was put on his official record, he said.

"now, the department offers 'over nine' different racial designations for incoming officers. but, it is stopping him from changing his race to more accurately reflect his identity due to a 'blanket prohibition' against changing an officer's race, the legal filing said.

"after repeated rejections, Yusuf claims he was told he would first have to produce a dna test before his race could be changed on his record. He then provided the results of a "23 and Me" genetic test, which showed his heritage and race, but the department ultimately said it was 'not possible' to change his official record, he claims.

"'the racial identity policy ban facially and intentionally discriminates against certain individuals based on personally identifiable characteristics like race,' the officer alleges.

"the lawsuit specifically alleges the city of chicago is in violation of title v of the civil rights act of 1964."


  1. "IDENTITY?"

    What kind of bullsh*t is this,letting people change their gender IDENTITY?

    To change your name you have to go through the legal system. To change your sex(theoretically),you'd need to go through the medical system--that is,IF it was even possible to change your gender.But to just SAY IT,without proof of actual gender change,is effing ridiculous--and you CAN'T CHANGE YOUR GENDER.

    Add race changing and it makes the whole thing a bigger sham.


  2. Okay,I read the entire thing,a NAME means nothing.Cassius Clay became Muhammad Ali but he didn't change his race.Cat Stevens became a muslim--race didn't change.Who knows what this guy was,but if he talks like an arab,looks like an arab etc.,he's an arab.


  3. I went to a number of web sites to see an image of this Mohammad but no image can be found. Yes indeed, promotion of whites in the CPD an issue for decades. Was supposed by signed contract strictly to be done by merit but that it not always the case.
