Sunday, February 25, 2024

As stupid as Sandy Cortez (alias “AOC”) is, she’s still a pathological liar (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

“Solution” to what? Racial socialists love to talk about “solutions,” but what they do is cause insuperable problems, for which there are no solutions.

These are foreign criminals she’s defending. There is no need for their labor, because:

1. There are over 20 million permanently unemployed Americans;

2. For over 30 years, American companies have been shipping millions of jobs overseas;

3. American companies have been replacing high-tech American workers with indians and communist chinese at home;

4. For years in the U.S., businesses have been replacing workers with robots;

5. The foreign criminals aren’t workers, to begin with. A large proportion of the men are drug dealers and pimps; the women tend to be variously prostitutes, panhandlers, and recipients of welfare programs; and the children and old people are dependents who also suck us dry, including getting social security SSI, to which they are ineligible, but they are given it, anyway; and

6. These foreign criminals are going to cause White American taxpayers to have to pay additional trillions of dollars in expenses, not to mention robbing, raping, maiming and murdering millions of Americans.


  1. Lol,they can't speak enough(any?) English to contribute to the economy--not the broader economy--i.e.:waiter at Olive Garden,cashier at Walmart,car salesman at a GM or Ford dealership.
    Drug dealing with other spics?


  2. If the only way our "economy" can "grow" is by a constant influx of border invaders,then the country has reached a point of maximum productivity and we need to be satisfied with that.The invaders do not contribute to our economy but put us in further debt--net,net--with welfare subsidies and criminal activity--the non English speaking spics produce nothing..If they stayed in Mexico,El Salvador,Venezuela and we just exported goods to those countries in trade--without having to support them financially with EBT etc.,we'd be better off as a country.

