Monday, January 29, 2024

rapist and noi member "dr." Yusef Salaam facing calls to resign safety committee chairmanship after he "lied" about nypd traffic stop

By N.S.

"nyc councilman Yusef Salaam facing calls to resign safety committee chairmanship after he "lied" about nypd traffic stop

"city council colleagues are calling for Yusef Salaam to step down as chair of the council's influential public safety committee amid the fallout from a controversial friday night traffic stop."


  1. Wait,the committee KNOWS blacks lie--the committee is probably,majority black.Something else is going on here.I will not try to guess what that something is,but what outrages blacks the most about other blacks?They're okay with murder,wink at rape and applaud arson,but steal their dope and the gloves come off.

    Okay,I guessed.


  2. jerry pdx
    Just a rapist? We can add: Attempted murderer, gang rapist, violent mugger/thug, felonious assaulter, extortionist, racial terrorist, professional liar...Perfect resume for an aspiring Democratic politician

  3. Oh, he lied? Anyone think this is the first time?

  4. Those people just can never behave properly no matter what advantage do you get in life did just can’t do it right thing and behaviors normal always the case with them. THEM.
