Thursday, January 25, 2024

"If the United States doesn't stand up for its friends, we aren't going to have friends": President Nixon vs. a Hopelessly Overmatched (but cute) Barbara Walters (Video)

Re-posted by N.S.

"This Mistake Has Cost the United States | President Nixon and Barbara Walters 1980"

To the Richard Nixon Foundation, whose staffer posted the above snippet:

Thank you so much. I didn't need this, in order to realize the President's greatness, but it was a pleasure to once again see his greatness in action.


  1. "The United States is going to cease to be a great power."

    This happened,but not because we didn't stick with foreign "friends",it's because we didn't stick with WHITES as the #1 asset of this country and stopped treating them as such.


  2. As some have forgotten--or never knew--Walters was a coal burner already at this time,having let negro Senator Edward Brooke have his way with her vaginal area in the 1970s.

    Nixon should have said,"I'm surprised you interview Whites anymore,Barbara,after what I've heard you do with black senators and your abc microphone in private."


  3. If the United States doesn’t even stand up for its own people, OW in it isn’t going to have a people OWN
