Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Thank you, Michelle "Obama"! "Columbia heights cvs shutting down, as surging crime leaves shelves empty"

Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, january 23, 2024 at 09:47:45 p.m. est

"Columbia heights cvs shutting down as surging crime leaves shelves empty"


Have you heard of "pharmacy deserts"?

They are now a thing.



  1. Supply and demand.If blacks demand free stuff from a CVS by stealing it,there's no supply(or profit) left for the store to stay open.

    Besides,it's too dangerous.Eventually,blacks will bring in some weapons and kill the clerks.


  2. Bill O'Reilly has this opinion:mike obama will be bumping Biden out of another run for POTUS .

    Obama term #4 coming up?

    I thought she'd try it in 2020.
    Who would be HER running mate?A spic?


  3. All the colors are gonna be angry because they won’t be able to get her prescriptions filled. Then he will get sick and die and then blame it all on. Why do you? Why do you is a bad man they need to have a special service created just for them to get her prescriptions filled. That is what they will tell you I don’t think Jesse Jackson does that sort of thing anymore organizing for such events.
