Tuesday, December 26, 2023

"Trump-Carlson is the golden ticket, and it’s not even close"


tuesday, december 26, 2023 at 10:27:30 a.m. est

"Trump-Carlson is the golden ticket, and it’s not even close"


Trump-Carlson is the golden ticket, and it’s not even close


President Trump has already won the Republican primary by a landslide. No challenger has come remotely close to threatening his dominance. In this cycle, the real race is to be his vice president, and only one candidate for that job will cement President Trump's legacy as the most consequential president in modern history—Tucker Carlson.


Contrary to conventional wisdom, President Trump doesn't need a conventional vice president. He doesn't need someone who will shore up his electoral coalition. Donald Trump is the Republican Party; everyone who doesn't like it has left. President Trump doesn't need another Mike Pence. He needs a vice president he can trust, both in this campaign and beyond. He needs someone who will make sure the historic movement he started doesn't end with him.


All the conventional candidates will betray the president—just like they already have by entering the race against him. They're freeloaders who don't offer Trump any value. They want to return Washington to the status quo that President Trump upended. They want to terraform a new swamp.




  1. "All the conventional candidates will betray the president—just like they already have by entering the race against him..." No one else is supposed to run (against someone who was a total failure as president)? Revolver is as idiotic as Gab. DeSantis is the only one who had any potential- and the hatchet job done on him by his own backers and by Trump should tell you that SOMEONE wanted him out of the running (his own ineptitude as a campaigner admittedly didn't help). Trump is either being set up to lose again, or if they do let him win, something will happen soon after and we'll be saddled with one of his horrible VP choices as president. -RM

  2. All I know is Carlson hated Trump--that's a quote.Oh,he interviewed him with a smile on his face,but the words resound on the internet.

    So why choose a guy that thinks less of you than Mike Pence does?


  3. Donald Trump is certainly unique in American political history. I think we can all agree about that.

  4. "Carlson hated Trump"- Carlson supposedly bad-mouthed white people as such also, though I couldn't find the quote. I wouldn't trust ANYONE in mass media. And having a serious interview with the likes of white-trash rapper Kid Rock doesn't do much for Carlson's journalistic credibility either. -RM
