Friday, December 29, 2023

Steve Sailer: “nyt: Woo-Hoo! Gun Homicides are Up Only 51% Since Ferguson!”

By N.S.


  1. With Whites not contributing much.Imagine if we started firing back more.


    1. GRA:I mentioned this before:

      "Detroit’s population in 1960 was 1.67 million — more than double the 639,111 counted in 2020, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures. The homicide rate per 100,000 people in 1966s was 12.8 based on the 1960 population, whereas 214 killings with the current population would result in a rate of 33.4."

      --UNZ commenter

      GRA:It's still a murderous city--just smaller.

  2. Correct this is since 2013 murder rate with guns has been up since that time but now it seems to have leveled off the fact that it has leveled off will be counted as a great success by pal Joey, our president, so-called
