Sunday, December 31, 2023

Even brain-dead, pc republicans joined in! "almost 200K 'students' boycotted ny state standardized tests in parents' rights revolt”; Lachlan Murdoch and Keith Poole's new york post has handcuffed most would-be commenters

By N.S.

Several years ago, a high-ranking, new york republican supported this crap.

“almost 200K students boycotted ny state standardized tests in parents' rights revolt”

“thousands of parents are staging a revolt against the state by refusing to have their kids take the standardized english and math exams, test data reviewed by the post reveal.”

“boycott rates were sky high in the suburbs — notably in long island — amid parental objections at what they see as excessive testing, which critics have long maintained leads to narrowing of the curriculum and 'teaching to the test.'”

As psychometrician Richard Phelps asked 20 years ago, in Kill the Messenger, if you're not going to teach to the test, what are you going to do, teach against the test?

By the way, at least 20 years ago Richard Phelps debunked the myth that asserts that American kids are over-tested.

“The General Patton of the Testing Wars”

the post has blocked me, yet again, from commenting. It tells me, “LOG IN TO COMMENT,” but nothing happens when I hit the link. However, I am not alone. So far, the Gauleiter has only permitted 11 comments.


  1. Everything's rigged for blackie.Why?I have no idea.


  2. I guess if my child was very dumb, I would also not want him to take the test
