Saturday, November 25, 2023

What a wicked web we weave! me-too, me-too! former office secretary of new york state gov. Andrew Cuomo leverages law passed by albany democrats in order to terrorize President Trump, and which black supremacist criminal general Letitia James used to drive him from office, in order to steal governorship (while ignoring his mass murder of senior citizens via the china flu!) is suing him for sexual harassment

poor Brittany "I believe he groped me" Commisso, new york governor Andrew Cuomo's former secretary, in a selfie she took with the boss who "sexually assaulted" her. It's not the only one, either.

By N.S.

"CNN — a former aide [sic] to ex-new york governor Andrew Cuomo, who previously claimed Cuomo groped her breast, is filing a lawsuit against him alleging sexual harassment and abuse, according to a summons filed this week.

“Brittany Commisso, one of 11 women whose claims of harassment were substantiated [sic] by an august 2021 report by the state’s attorney general, is filing suit against the former governor under new york’s adult survivors act, alleging 'pervasive abusive conduct' and 'continuous sexual harassment' during her employment as his assistant [secretary!], according to the summons filed wednesday in albany county supreme court.

“six months after it was signed in may 2022, the state law opened a one-year window for adult survivors of sexual offenses to sue their alleged abusers, even if the statute of limitations on their claims had expired.

“Cuomo is one of several high-profile figures who was sued in the winnowing hours before the law was set to expire Thursday at midnight.

“the former governor has repeatedly and vehemently denied Commisso’s claims. [sic] his attorney friday calling the lawsuit an attempted 'cash grab.'”

black supremacist criminal general Letitia James forced gov. Cuomo out of office, after rigging the fake investigation of his "sexual harassment" of the females who worked for him. James wanted the governorship, but someone gave her a call, and told her it wasn't her time yet, and to drop candidacy. The purpose of the "adult survivors act" was to destroy President Trump's re-election campaign, but instead it is harming all manner of democrats. Note that James was unconcerned with the thousands of senior citizens whom Cuomo killed, by forcing them into nursing homes, full of covid patients.

poor Brittany Commisso was a knockout; shapely, too


  1. Trying to suck the governor dry--again.Only this time for his cash.


  2. I've always thought the Harvey Weinstein Affair was begun in order to eventually get Donald Trump.

    Since when had liberals cared about sexual misbehavior toward women?

  3. Only White sacrificial lambs like Cuomo and Al Franken are chosen."White women 'getting' White men" is one of my outrage groups listed the other day.


  4. Something about that dago Cuomo just off a visceral action of hate each time I see an image of him.
