Saturday, November 25, 2023

"The Green Energy Wall Gradually Coming into Focus"

By R.C.


  1. According to the article, Adams might be a trailblazer in having his city(NYC)go belly up energy wise.

    A city with no power and all those darkies running around.N.S. calls the nigs invisible now--wait until the next blackout hits.

    "Mobs of invisible black people ransack 5th avenue--and beyond--in the dark.

    No film at 11--too dark,no power".


  2. And yet the madness continues unabated. Even gas stoves now to be replaced by mandate. Biden go to hell.

  3. No, GRA, WE'RE the invisible ones; they're "raceless."

  4. The criminal blacks are invisible to the press is my interpretation.Plus blacks in the dark?I DARE you to locate them before the flash of a handgun occurs.At that point,BIG mousetraps for blacks would need to be set outside your house,lol.
    "Got one,Gladys."


  5. I always thought electricity outages where called blackouts because the lights didn't work and so it was pitch black. But maybe it is because this is the time the blacks come out.
    A Mormon who did his required missionary work in Mexico told me about living in a dirt-floored hut with lots of cockroaches which come out when it is dark. To reduce the number he would pour alcohol on the floor and turn out the lights. Then he would light the alcohol and a blue flame would spread across the floor. Every time the flame caught up with a roach there would be a pop as the roach exploded.

    1. A good thought as I turn in for the night,lol

