Monday, November 06, 2023

After leak of sexual psycho mass murderer's manifesto, Nashville cops are desperately trying to get their lies straight

By N.S.

"Nashville police department releases statement addressing alleged school shooter manifesto"


  1. What a refreshing thing it would be if someone told the truth.That won't happen anymore because Trump tried it and will soon be going to prison for a century or so because of it--if he stays alive until the verdict.


  2. blacks like Holt,Roker,Joy Reid,plus Whites like Norah O'Donnell and Margaret Brennan,have got Whitey killing Whitey.That's just nationally.Local White self loathers pour it on too,depending what city you're in.I'm surprised Jacqueline Francis didn't open fire on Whites when she worked for woodtv(she transferred to Detroit last year to be with her favorite blackies )as a reporter.She was THAT anti-White.


  3. The killer got a pass because it killed Whites and hated Whites,though she was White.It's the same illness as gender "confusion"--hating your own race or gender qualifies as insane thinking.


  4. they haven't banned the word MANifesto yet?
