Monday, October 30, 2023

Was I unfair to the late Richard Roundtree, in withholding slavish praise from him? the new york post thinks so

By N.S.

24 october, 2023

“Iconic”? “Pioneer”? Gimme a break! And people say the post is a “conservative” paper? You’re racially pandering like the times. Then again, the term “conservative” has become meaningless.

Felice Wingate
25 october, 2023

“Wow - this gentleman who has harmed no one, yet gave excellent entertainment, enjoyed by people of all colors, has sadly passed away. This is all that you can give? I am sad for you that you could not do better.”

N.S.: Felice Wingate “Wow - this gentleman who has harmed no one, yet gave excellent entertainment, enjoyed by people of all colors, has sadly passed away. This is all that you can give? I am sad for you that you could not do better.”

Shaft was a mediocre, racist, stupid movie with good music. And that was the best thing Richard Roundtree ever did! Whenever the White actor (Charles Cioffi) would say something civil to Roundtree’s character, the latter would curse him out.

Oh, and I did my best, given what Richard Roundtree gave me to work with.

[the post blocked the foregoing comment.]


  1. I don't know if I'm not seeing this right,but--to me--it looks like Roundtree received more kudos than Matthew Perry.Of course,I'm watching nnn and "see b.s". for the two obits.


  2. jerry pdx
    I remember watching Shaft but I was just a kid so didn't have the perspective to judge it and didn't pick up on the phallic symbolism of the movie title. All I really remember is the scene (if I'm remembering it right) where Roundtree sails through a window on some kind of rope and shoots the bad guy in the room. Then there was the scene where he walks into a bar and a hot looking White woman is staring at him lustfully, the bartender tells him the chick digs him and wants to jump his bones, or something like that. But Shaft doesn't seem interested, later on there's a scene with his "nubian princess" (movie didn't say that but I think there was some symbolism) girlfriend that seemed to affirm he was committed to only her because she was so special to him. That he didn't do the chick at the bar (unless I'm forgetting something) seemed at odds with the Isaac Hayes song that said he was a "sex machine to all the chicks" and didn't seem realistic (what straight guy would turn that down?). Maybe it was the song (which was a hit) that made the movie popular? I dunno, if I've got a couple hours to kill and can watch it for free maybe I'll take a look to see how bad, or good, or racist it really was.

  3. "Shaft and his Dee-troit showdown with the White Boyz" - Part 17. I remember that movie well.

    White gangs running crazy in Dee oppressing and mistreating black folks.
