Monday, October 30, 2023

war crime: raceless hockey player murders invisible hockey player with the sharpened blade of his skate

By R.C.
monday, october 30, 2023 at 10:59:17 p.m. edt

Subject: ni--er hockey player murders White hockey player with the sharpened blade of his skate.

warning: graphic – police investigating death of hockey player after 'freak accident'"

N.S.: Like those carefully choreographed, "freak accidents" in the nba, in which black supremacists maim White stars?


  1. I'd read the story somewhere,but THEY never mentioned who the perp was--and especially did not give the slightest hint--that he was a coon.It isn't a shock anymore when these "mishaps" occur between black and White athletes.It goes all the way back to at least,Rudy T and Kermit Alexander in 1975,I believe.That was attempted murder.


  2. I saw the video.It was intentional.That was murder.

