Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Paris police shoot woman who threatened train with suicide bomb

By R.C.
tuesday, october 31, 2023 at 09:49:20 p.m. edt

"Paris police shoot woman who threatened train suicide bomb" [We need a translator in aisle 6!] — rt world news



  1. Someone must have suicided the power on my side of town.Have to conserve power on my phone until the lights come back on.One inch of snow did it.I'll make comments tomorrow.


  2. Actually,I switched to my tablet and cable provided back up 4g on that device because of the power failure,so I can write a few comments.Pretty good of XFinity to do that--they've done it for a couple years now. Power out until 630 in the morning,supposedly.Nice dark neighborhood I came home to.Many streets pitch black.


  3. No power yet.Now they say 5:30 p.m.No reason given.Strangest power failure yet I've seen.


  4. Had to be done. Body bomb vest underneath those flowing robes a possible.
